Confessions and Recollections

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     We figured out that the Grievers would only kill one person a night, and by the second night, we had devised a plan. Thomas and Minho found a way out through the cliff in something they called the "Griever hole."

     "Mia?" a familiar British voice called. I turned around, smiling, to see Newt.

     "Yes?" I replied.

     "How are you? You know, about all of this?" he asked.

     "Uh, I don't know. I'm kind of scared but the thought of getting out of here is just so immensely just... I don't even know how to describe it." He nodded while I spoke, seeming to nderstand.

     "Yeah. So I wanted to tell you- a while ago you asked me a question. Do you remember that?" I nodded my head. "I want to tell you why I limp. Now, please don't judge me when I tell you what happened. Can you do that?"

     "Okay," I said, in a voice barely more than a whispered.

     "Well, Mia, you remember how it was when you got here, right? When I got here, it was awful. I hated it. Every second of it. I wanted the torture to end. So I tried. I climbed one of the walls and I tried to kill myself. Unfortunately for me, it didn't work. But then you came. You came and everything was different. I felt something. A purpose. A reason to wake up every day. A reason to smile in these dismal times. Mia, thank you. I probably would've tried again if it wasn't for you. You changed my world from the second you arrived. Thank you so much for just being you. Thank you for giving me your attention and for loving me. I love you so much, Mia," he said.

     "Newt. I love you, too. I'm so sorry that there was ever a time where you felt that bad. But please don't do that ever again. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't around. I love you, I love you so much." I wrapped my arms around him and embraced him in a hug. The thought of him feeling that way hurt me so much, I began to cry a little.

     "Hey, don't cry. If you cry, I'm gonna cry, and we can't both be crying. I'm sorry that I did what I did, but because of you, I don't ever want to try again. I want to grow old with you. I want to marry you, Mia. I want to-" he was cut off by Minho's cries.

     "Get him to the Med-Jacks!" I looked to see who he was talking about, but then I saw it. He was carrying Thomas.

     "What the shuck happened?" Newt asked, as we ran over to them, now in the Med-Jacks's place.

     "He said that we needed information, then he went and got himself stung," Minho explained, running his fingers through his hair.

     For three hours, Thomas went on yelling and screaming, then it was done. We approached him, but with caution.

     "He was right. I did do this to you. So did you, Teresa. We did this to them," Thomas choked out.

     "Is that all you remember?" Newt asked, quietly.

     "These aren't are real names. They were fake names given to us after famous scientists or other people who changed the world," he explained.

     "Ooh, who am I named after? Isaac Newton, probably," Newt said, answering his own question.

     "What about me?" I piped up.

     "I don't know. I can't think of anyone named Mia who di-" Thomas began.

     "That first day- you said your name was Amelia, but I wanted to call you Mia. Amelia Earhart, perhaps?" Newt realized.

     We spent the rest of the day talking about who we were named after, rather than any real work. It was actually kind of cool, and the day was enjoyable. Until nightfall.

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