One More Night

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     We anxiously waited for the arrival of the Grievers. I was standing next to Newt, our hands entwined.

     "Hey, Mia," Chuck whispered, tapping me on the shoulder. "Wh-who do you think I was named after? Thomas told me about how we don't have our real names."

     "That's all you have to say at a time like this?" I hissed.

     "Quiet! They'll hear you," Alby whispered.

    "It's not just me, Jeff wants to know, too," Chuck mumbled.

     "I don't know, maybe you were named after Charles Darwin? And tell Jeff that he was probably named after Thomas Jefferson," I breathed, as silently as possible.

     "What did Thomas Jefferson do?" Jeff whispered, coming up behind me.

     "I don't know! I don't even know my real name! All I remember was that he was a mighty fine President of the United States," I whisperer-yelled.

     "Okay, thanks," Jeff said quietly, sinking back into the shadows. We heard a scream from the room next door. Someone had been taken for the night. Alby and Newt rushed to find who was missing, and we followed.

     "They took Chris," one of the boys, whose name I didn't know, said with sadness. I felt bad that I hadn't even met Chris before and now he was gone     "I think it's settled then. We're getting out tomorrow," Frypan said. Most of us silently agreed. We dispersed to our own rooms, to try to sleep a little before the break out tomorrow.

     "Mia?" Newt called. I looked up at him, motioning for him to continue. "Promise me that you'll be safe. I'm going to try to get you out of here safely, but I want that promise. Please."

     "Okay, I'll try not to die," I said, as he gently placed his lips upon mine. We held like that for a moment, forgetting about all of our problems and just loving each other right then.

     "While you two are sucking faces over here, the rest of us are preparing for the first opportunity of freedom for us. So, do you maybe want to help out a little bit?" Minho suggested, standing in the doorway with his usual smirk plastered across his face.

     "Ugh, fine. Way to ruin the moment, shuck-face. Thanks a lot," I said, sarcastically.

     "Any time," he said, laughing.

     He walked out again, and a Newt followed up until the door, which he closed.

     "What're you doing?" I asked, confused.

     "I want to be with you before who knows what happens to us tomorrow. Let's just stay here for tonight. Alright, love?" he said, causing me to smile.

     "Alright." I fell asleep in Newt's warm embrace, forgetting about the worries tomorrow would bring.

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