Anticipating and the Anticipated

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     No food.

     No hope.

     No excitement.

     No movement.

     No surprises.


     We waited. The days were hard; Newt was the only thing that kept me from going insane. The bathrooms provided us with water, but soon enough we were going to need food. I wasn't sure that I could wait any longer. No one really moved unless it was to get water, use the bathroom, or sleep.

     I sat down on my bed, trying not to think about the immense hunger I was experiencing. I layed down, and attempted to clear my head, but that was hard. So many thoughts whirled through my mind.

     Will we get out?
     Will we get food?
     Where's Teresa?
     Why did we get sent here?
     Who killed our rescuers?
     Who were our rescuers?
     How will we find a way out?
     When will we get food?
     Where's Newt?

     Through all of that, I still managed to fall asleep. Memories from the Glade rushed through my head.

     I was woken by Newt, who came in about 3 hours after I had fallen asleep. I smiled up at him. He threw something at me. Something amazing.

     I was given an apple.

     "Here. Take it," Newt said. "Follow me if you want more."

     "Where did you....? How....?" I asked, befuddled.

     "Just come with me," he said, smiling. I stood up, taking a bite of my apple. It was, quite possibly, the most delicious apple I had ever eaten in my life.

     The other Gladers were gathered around a huge pile of food- apples, granola bars, sandwiches, cheese, and more. Minho was sitting in a corner eating a sandwich, looking pretty happy with life at the moment. At this point, nothing could go wrong. For the first time in a long time, I was genuinely happy, and so was everyone else.

     "It's pretty nice, right?" Newt said, slinging his arm around me. I nodded, smiling at the blond.

     "I've never had an apple this delicious," I replied, causing him to chuckle.

     "I love seeing you smile, Mia. I love you," he whispered leaning down to kiss me.

     "I love you, too."

     "Hey! Get a room, you two shucking disgust me," Minho called over to us. I laughed, and we walked over to him.

     "So where did this come from?" I asked Minho.

     He shrugged. "No idea," he replied, taking a bite out of his sandwich. "It just...showed up."

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