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     We were rushed off of the bus rather quickly and ushered into a building. Newt took hold of my hand as we ran into the building.

     Once inside, we sat down at a table and they gave us food. Real teenager type food.   

     We were given pizza.

     Real, delicious, cheesy, hot, melt-in-your-mouth pizza. "Frypan," Minho began. "You were a great cook and all, but wow. This is good."

     After eating, Teresa and I were brought to a different room from where the boys were taken. They gave us clothes and showed us to a bathroom. Teresa went in a took a shower first, so I waited in our room.

     After five minutes, she came in and let me go. I walked into the bathroom, and looked in the mirror.

     I had black hair that fell halfway down my back and I was pretty thin. Like Gally and Newt said, I did look kinda short. I was averagely pretty, except for my eyes. They were bright, bright blue, and actually kinda beautiful.

     The hot water felt great and after about a month, I finally felt clean. I dried off and put on the new clothes. I walked out to see Teresa lying in her bed.

     "I don't feel safe here," I blurted out.

     "What do you mean?" she asked, sitting up.

     "I don't know. It just doesn't feel right. After living in fear for, like, ever, the thought of safety seems, well...strange," I admitted.

     "Then go be with Newt," Teresa suggested.

     "You think I can? I don't wanna get in trouble," I said.

     "Are you kidding me? You faced scarier things in that Maze and you're scared of getting in trouble," she laughed.

     I opened the door and walked across a common room to see another door. I grasped the handle and pulled. Inside, the boys were all in bed. Newt smiled when he saw me, and I moved over to his bed.

     "Hey. What're you doing here?" he whispered.

     "I wanted to be with you, so, uh, here I am," I mumbled, awkwardly.

     "I love you, Mia," Newt said, scooting over so I could lay beside him. He kissed the top of my head, and held me in his arms.

     "I love you, too," I said, before falling asleep in his arms.

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