Working with Captain Gally

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     "Hey Mia," I heard a voice whisper. I opened my eyes to see Gally's face next to my bed. "Rise and shine, day two starts now," he said, smiling.

     "Okay let me get chang- I don't have any other clothes," I said with a yawn.

     "You can either re-wear that or borrow mine until we get you new stuff," he said, brushing his teeth in the bathroom sink.

     "Eh, I'll wear this but thanks," I said, getting up and walking over to him. "And how exactly do you get new stuff here?"

     "Okay, so you remember the Box that you came in right?" Gally asked. I nodded while he continued. "Every week we get new supplies and every month we get a new Greenie. This month we got you."

     "Okay," I replied. "So you each have jobs here, I've been told. What are the other ones besides Runner and Builder?"

     "There's a chance that I'm not supposed to explain all of this to you, so just ask Alby or Newt later and start following my orders," Gally told me.

     "Alright, fine," I said, letting him explain being a Builder to me. After a few hours of adding on to the Homestead, Gally said it was time for lunch. We each grabbed a sandwich from Frypan and walked over to a table to sit with Newt and Chuck.

     "How's Captain Gally treating you, Greenie?" Newt asked, smiling.

     "Great, I guess," I said, laughing uncertainly.

     "She's a natural Builder, Newt. Seriously, she's great," Gally said, sitting down next to me.

     "Really? You think I'm good?" I asked him, skeptically.

     "Well, duh, I just said it," he replied.

     I rolled my eyes jokingly at him, then I turned to Newt. "So, uh, just out of, um, curiosity, where are the, uh, Runners?" I asked, blushing, thinking of a certain Runner in particular….

     Newt and Gally were trying very hard to keep serious faces and contain their laughter, while Chuck said, "The Runners stay in the Maze until just before sundown. And, uh, what's so funny?"

     "Thanks, Chuck," I said, blushing at the other two, "and they're laughing at, uh, how, um, ignorant I am about, uh, this place."

     "Nice save," Gally whispered to me. After lunch, we went back to the building, and I have to say that I agree with Gally- I was pretty good at it.

     "Hey Greenie! I need a nail," Gally said.

     "What's the magic word?" I asked, teasing him.

     "Now!" he replied with a smile.

     "Alright fine. Here's your stupid nail," I said, handing it to him. The rest of my day was pretty uneventful, and by the time dinner came around, I was starving. To my pleasure, when the dinner hour began, the Runners were back. I got my food from Frypan, then sat down next to Newt along with Gally, Alby, Winston, and Minho.

     "So, how did the Greenie do, Captain Gally?" Newt asked, smiling at me.

     "I told you before; she's a really great Builder," Gally said, in between bites. "I want her in my squad," he added, smirking.

     I mocked gasped, then said, "I'm gonna be in a squad? Yay."

     "But what if she wants to be a Runner?" Minho asked with a smile.

     "I don't," I replied. "Newt said that these walls protect us from the Maze and, quite frankly, I don't want to find out what's in the Maze. Plus, Gally said it himself, from the looks of it, I'm a pretty decent Builder."

     Minho briefly looked genuinely disappointed, but quickly covered it up by smiling and saying, "Have it your way, Greenbean."

     After dinner, Gally pulled me aside, and said, "So, tomorrow is your first official day as a Builder. It'll be very similar to today, but I won't explain as much to you. Got it?"

     I nodded, then started to walk away until he grabbed my wrist. "And we asked the Creators for more, uh….girl things," he stated.

     "Okay sounds great, uh, Captain," I replied before turning towards the Homestead. I walked into my room and sat down on my bed, shortly followed by Newt sitting next to me.

     "Hey," he said.

     "Hi," I replied. "What's up?"

     He shrugged before responding. "I just wanted to say that I understand that it's probably weird being the only girl here, so if you ever need to talk, I just want to let you know that I'm here for you."

     "Thanks, Newt. And, surprisingly, it's actually not that odd. Most of you guys are really nice and all, so it's…it's alright," I said as he gave me a hug. I got into my bed and Newt walked across the room to his.

     As he shut off the light, I muttered one last "Thanks" before falling into a deep sleep.

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