Chuck's Ship Has Sailed

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     After we made sure that Minho was alright, night had fallen. I was still elated at the thought that I was dating Minho.

     "Come on, let's go have some dinner," he whispered in my ear. I nodded, then he kissed me on the cheek before we continued on. We sat down at a table across from Newt and Gally. "How's Alby doing?"

     "He's going through the Changing. He's not alright now, but he will be," Newt said. "And Mia, what's the story with you two now?" He added, raising his eyebrows with a smirk.

     "I, um, uh, Minho? What is our story?" I asked him, blushing.

     He slung his arm around my shoulder and kissed me on the cheek, again.

     "Well, you see, shank, she's my girlfriend now," he said, with a huge smile.

     "It happened? Minho and Mia are together???" Chuck asked, excitedly.

     "Yes. Your ship has, uh, sailed, I guess," I said, causing Minho, Newt,  and Gally to laugh.

     The next morning, I was woken up probably one hour earlier than normal. "Mia, wake up," a sweet voice said.

     "What is it?" I groaned.

     "I just wanted to say goodbye to my girlfriend before I left," Minho said. He kissed my forehead then left to go run the Maze.

     "Hey, Minho?" I called. He turned back around and motioned for me to continue. "B-be careful out there, please. F-for me?"

     Minho walked over and kneeled down by my bed. He held my hand and said, "Mia, if I wasn't careful, I wouldn't get to come back and see the most perfect girl in the world."

     "I love you, Minho," I said.            

     "I love you, too, Mia," he whispered before leaving the room for real this time.

     When Gally woke me up an hour later, I was ready to continue working. He started building on another floor, about six feet directly above me. All was going well, and then lunch came.

     "How's your boyfriend?" Gally teased.

     "He's great, why do you care, slinthead?" I said to him.

     He shrugged and then we got back to work. I was doing pretty well until I heard someone call my name.

     "MIA, WATCH OUT!" Gally cried.

     "What?" I yelled, looking up. And then everything faded away.

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