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     Newt and I ran across the Glade to go see the other girl, with Chuck in our wake. When we got to the Med-Jack house, we heard a lot of yelling.

     "Get away from me! Where's Thomas?" a girl's voice shrieked.

     "Just calm down, okay? We'll get Thomas and the other girl is on her way, alright?" Clint yelled.

     "You want me to calm down? I can't remember anything about myself!" she yelled.

     "Hey, hey, hey. It's going to be alright. You're going to be fine," I said in a calming tone. "Everyone came up like you did. Um, sort of. None of us remember anything about ourselves either, well, except for our names. Mine's Mia, by the way, and this little cutie's named Newtie. Actually, it's just Newt but that's besides the point. Can you remember your name?"

     "Teresa. My name is Teresa," she said, certainly.

     "Well, Teresa, welcome to the Glade.  Do you want to go to sleep or would you rather ask some more questions?" I asked, smiling at her.

     "What is this place?" Teresa said.

     "This is the Glade. It's surrounded by a Maze, and the Maze is the only way out of this place. We have order, or rules, if you will. First off, never go beyond those walls out there. Secondly, never harm another Glader, and lastly, do your part," Newt explained. "That's about it, I guess. Someone will give you the tour tomorrow. Any other questions?"

     "Who's Thomas? The other guy said I was saying his name in my sleep," Teresa said, still looking confused.

     Newt and I exchanged a sideways glance. "Thomas arrived the day before you, and Alby thought you two had some sort of connection. Then again, so did Gally, so...." Newt trailed off.

     "What's that supposed to mean? What's wrong with Gally? He's, like, one of my best friends here," I countered.

     "That shank is only nice to you, Mia. We don't know why, but I have a hunch," he said. "Just drop it. Come on, let's show Teresa to her room. Uh, Jeff? Where is her room, exactly?"

     "I think she's going to be staying here for a while, actually," Jeff replied.

     "Alright then. I'm tired. Let's go to bed, Newt," I responded with a yawn.

     "Okay. Night Jeff. Stay safe, Teresa," Newt said, tiredly.

     "Hey, Teresa? If you need anything,  come and get me, okay?" I asked. She nodded. "Okay. G'night guys."

     While Newt and I were walking to the Homestead, we saw Alby and Thomas running towards the Med- Jack's.

     "How's the girl? Is she in there?" Alby asked, anxiously. He had never been the same since the Changing, kind of like Ben, but not as insane. At least, not yet.

     "Yeah, she's in there with Jeff. I think she'll want to see Thomas," I said to the both of them.                           

     "Why?" Thomas questioned, panting, his eyes growing wide.

     "Jeff said that she kept saying your in her sleep," Newt explained.

     "Really? Because she keeps talking in, um, never mind. Let's go," Thomas said, stopping himself. He and Alby continued running.

     "Um, alright?" Newt laughed, uncertainly.

     "What was that about?" I chuckled slightly with him.

     "Eh, who knows? And who cares?" he said, smiling. He said, thoughtfully before saying, "I shucking love you, Mia."

     "I love you, too, Newt," I whisperered as he leaned down and kissed my nose. We walked over to our room together and he kissed me one last time before I fell asleep with the greatest guy in the Glade, and probably the world, on my mind.

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