Chapter 19

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Oh man, how he wished so much to be on vacation with his mouse already.

"Bai Sir!"

Ma Han's voice sounded through the ear-piece of Bai Yutong and he noticed the unusual tone. Normally, she was a playful but very calm person. But now, her voice sounded a little excited but also worried.

"What is it?"

"I think I found Professor Zhan. He's-"


"Outside the building, Sir. But he's not alone. One person right next to him and five people approaching them from afar. He's next to a black car. They're probably trying to escape and take the professor with them."

"Give me the exact location, I'll be right there. Back me up in case something happens. Jiang Ling, send people to block their path. But they can't notice we found them so tell them to be careful."

Ma Han told him exactly where she spotted Zhan Yao but at the end she fumbled with her words. Bai Yutong ran out of the building and raised his eyebrows, wondering about her unusual behaviour. Normally she was pretty straight-forward and even put words in her mouth that normal girls wouldn't even dare to think about.

"What is it, Ma Han?"

Ma Han was about to tell him Zhan Yao was injured when the situation suddenly changed drastically. She blinked unbelievingly.

"B-Bai Sir! The man next to Professor Zhan suddenly collapsed! Professor Zhan is trying to escape. But the five people almost reached him. I don't think he's aware that they're coming over there. And it seems that Professor Zhan is injured."


Zhan Yao breathed heavily. Desperately, he tried to come up with the next steps. He looked around disorientatedly. His vision alernated between a blurry surrounding, the black dots and pure blackness.

He knew his condition was pretty bad but that was all the more reason to get as far away as possible. With a little luck, he would run into some police officers who could take him to Bai Yutong. Zhan Yao hoped he was alright. Bai Yutong probably was still inside the building, desperately looking for him.

He took a few unsteady steps forward but because of his restricted vision he didn't notice the uneven ground and stumbled. 

The pain from the impact made him momentarily unable to move. As soon as he thought it would be alright to move again, he got up clumsily and staggered forward.

By now, he really didn't know where he was heading anymore. He just kept going forward in the hope it was the right direction and he was not running straight into the arms of the enemy.


Bai Yutong quickly exited the building and rushed towards the destination Ma Han told him. The fear for Zhan Yao was his constant companion as it clutched onto his heart like a drowning person on a lifebelt.

In his panic he almost tripped over a rock on the ground. He just barely remained on his feet, stumbled, and continued running - even faster than before.

"Ma Han, I'm in position but I can't see Zhan Yao, where is he?"

He whispered in his mic as he hid behind a few bushes. His eyes frantically but systematically searched his surroundings. As Ma Han had described, he could see the black van and a pair of legs behind it which he assumed to belong to the guy who suddenly collapsed.

But he didn't get a reply. Bai Yutong frowned in confusion and worry.

"Ma Han? Ma Han, answer! Sh*t!"

The frown on Bai Yutong's forehead grew even bigger. Strained, he ran his hand through his hair.

"Jiang Ling, check on Ma Han's situation and send a few officers to her, she's not answering me. Also, send back-up to my location. What's your situation over there?"

But it wasn't Jiang Ling who answered him. Instead, the stuttering voice of his younger cousin Bai Chi got through to him. He sounded even more nervous than usual.

"B-B-Ba-Bai Sir. Zhao Jue is gone."


Bai Yutong was hanging on to the last bits of his sanity. Even a little push could send him over the edge and he would completely snap. His nerves were strained to the limit.

They successfully arrested all of those gangsters but there was no trace of Zhan Yao. Zhao Jue also went missing. So either they didn't actually arrest everyone and they had kidnapped both Zhao Jue and taken Zhan Yao with them or Zhao Jue had - despite his warning - acted independently and taken Zhan Yao away. Bai Yutong wasn't exactly sure which one was the better option.

He opened the door of the interrogation room and slammed the door behind him with such power that the one-way mirror shook dangerously for a few seconds that the suspect was afraid it might shatter. The loud slam made even the officers the floor beneath them flinch but Bai Yutong didn't even blink - his expression remained unchanging. Much on the contrary to the person already sitting in the interrogation room. He didn't have much time to be impressed by Bai Yutong's strenght because the fear of it made cold shivers run down his body.

Bai Yutong slammed the file on the table and sat down opposite of him.

Even sitting, he was still taller than him and his eyes narrowed down on him warningly - a dangerous glint inside of them.

The man gulped.


Bai Yutong said dryly. His voice was authoritive and cold - not leaving any room for discussion.

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