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Seokjin sighed deeply as he walked into his home. He could smell the night's dinner that was prepared. Therefore he knew his husband had cooked. It was Wednesday, so he knew most likely it would be a night for chicken.

Just once he wished they could do takeout. It's not that they couldn't, it was just that Taehyung, his husband preferred if they had cooked meals. He always told Jin he likes when there's a hot meal at home versus them eating junk food.

Once in a while, mostly on the weekends, they had takeout, but never during the week. Seokjin didn't complain as he didn't want to seem as though he was ungrateful. He knew how much time, and effort Taehyung put into the things he did for them.

His husband was the best, and he had no regrets in marrying him. However, there were somethings he wished his husband would do but didn't as he was too conservative.

"Babe you are home! Dinner has been prepared. I was able to get things started without you today. I got home earlier than usual. I sent you a text, but figured you were busy when you didn't respond." Taehyung said as he kissed his husband on the cheek and took his bag out of his hand.

"Yeah, work was pretty hectic today. We had four new clients today. so I had to draft up some agreements, and the clients weren't in agreement with our verbiage so got stuck between both legal teams for quite some time." Jin said as he followed his husband into their dining room that was connected to the kitchen.

"Sounds exhausting," Taehyung commented as he pulled out Jin's chair.

Jin sat down as Taehyung began sharing their dinner and then took his seat next to Jin.

Jin began picking at his food. Not feeling in the mood for what Taehyung had made. Which was baked chicken with rice. Taehyung wasn't the best cook, but he also wasn't the worse. Jin was the better cook out of the two.

Taehyung noticed that Jin wasn't eating as much, "are you, okay babe? Not hungry?" He asked with concern.

Jin gave him a weak smile, "I'm fine. I had a late lunch, so I am not too hungry."

"What did you have?" Taehyung questioned.

"Chinese at this new restaurant they opened up on Main Street. It's right next door to the Italian restaurant you like. One of our new attorneys took me out to lunch." Jin told his husband.

"That sounds nice. Did you enjoy the food? Maybe we can check it out some time together." He told Jin as he continued eating.

Jin only hummed in agreement. That was one thing he wished he could change about his husband. No matter what he did or who he did it with Taehyung never got jealous. Nor did he react. Sometimes Jin would say something to try and get a reaction out of him, but nothing.

His husband was always consistent in being calm, loving, caring, and patient. Seokjin loves all those qualities. He only wishes for his husband to be a bit more expressive in some other ways which he wasn't.

"Yes, it was nice. I think we can go together. He offered to take me to an Indian buffet tomorrow. I'm excited about that. You know I have been dying to go to one." Jin said with a smile.

"He?" Taehyung said, looking up at his husband.

"Yes, the new attorney," Jin said nonchalantly

"Ahh okay. I understand. That's good then." Taehyung said and got up from the table gathering his and Jin dishes.

"Let me do the dishes Tae," Jin said, holding onto his husband hand.

"I got it, babe." Taehyung leaned down and gave Jin a small kiss on the lips, "go shower and get ready for bed. You had a rough day. I'll come to massage your feet when you are done."

"I don't deserve you."

"It's I who don't deserve you, my precious prince. Now go shower. I'll be in soon."

These were the things Jin loved about his husband the most, his caring and considerate self. He always considered Jin's well-being, no matter what.

Jin did not hesitate but hurried to the shower. He was excited about the massage he was getting and possibly more.

Once Jin had finished with his shower. He decided against putting on clothes but settled for his robe.

Upon walking into his bedroom, he saw Taehyung sitting at the edge of the bed waiting on him to come so he could give him his massage.

Taehyung looked towards his husband and was confused as to why he wasn't dressed and was wearing a robe, but decided not to comment.

"Come lay down, so I can massage your feet," Taehyung said, tapping the bed.

Jin complied and placed his leg in Taehyung's lap. Soon after Taehyung began massage Jin's feet and his calves. Bending and stretching his toes. Jin was so much into the comfort of getting the massage and being touched by his husband that he was getting turned on.

He wanted more than his feet massage. Therefore, he pulled his legs away from his husband and sat up in the bed. Leaning over and planted a kiss on Taehyung lips. Taehyung kisses him back, but not with the urgency, and hunger Jin was kissing him with.

Jin began rubbing his hand over Taehyung member through his shorts, but Taehyung brought his hand to Jin's and stopped him before pulling away.

Jin frowned, "I want you, Tae." He said with an almost baby voice and pout. His body needed his husband's touch.

"Me too, babe. But we have work tomorrow, and it's not Friday or Saturday. I don't want you going to work sore tomorrow. Let's plan for Friday." Taehyung said as he leans forward and pecks his husband on his lips before walking to his side of the bed and getting under the covers.

Jin flapped down on the bed and turned his back to his husband. How dare he forget the only time they have sex is on the nights before none working days.

That was another thing he wishes would change about his husband. Like who schedule when they have sex?

"Jin, baby, can you change out of the robe and put on something appropriate please?" Taehyung asked him. Which annoyed him even more.

He loves his husband to death, but he was so boring at times it hurts.

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