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Taehyung returned to his and Jin's bedroom with a suitcase. Jin looks at him, confused.

"Why aren't you undress?" Taehyung asks as he walked back into the room. Jin senses the difference in his voice, his words were filled with dominance, something Jin was not used to hearing before. "I want you naked right now, or there will be consequences." Taehyung turns the suitcase down onto the floor and zips it open. Jin's eyes when full as he saw a variation of toys, whips, handcuffs, chains, collar, among other things he had no clue about. He looks from the suitcase to his husband, his mind kept trying to figure how where the heck Taehyung had these hidden. 

As soon as Taehyung picked up a whip out of his suitcase, Jin began fumbling with the buttons on his shirt, his shaking fingers opening them one by one. "Five seconds to be completely undressed," Taehyung said as he flashes the whip in the air, "You have no idea how long I have been waiting to use these. You call me boring? Jin, Jin, my love it's best you start planning on calling out from work tomorrow." Taehyung said with a sarcastic chuckle. 

Once Jin was naked and standing in front of his husband, Taehyung walks over to him, "You know, you've always been a perfect candidate for this lifestyle. However, you were too pure, I didn't want to scare you with my bad habits and hunger. So I kept it buried deep within. I was okay with keeping buried if it meant I get to have you. That's how much I love you, Seokjin, but not knowing you'd go and seek pleasure elsewhere from another man because "I am boring." Gosh! I am still trying to wrap my head around that word." Taehyung shook his head.

"Anyway, tonight, I am going to go easy on you. Don't want to scare you completely." Taehyung walks away from Jin and towards his suitcase, pulling out a black collar. "This, whenever I put this on you, you will refer to me as Master. Not Tae, Taehyung, Winter Bear, but Master. Do you understand?" Jin shakes his head. "Baby, I am going to need you to use words. When you are wearing this collar and misbehave, it will be grounds for punishment. You not answering me with words just not had you been wearing this collar would've gotten a punishment. Do you understand me?" 

Jin gulped at how dominant his husband sounded, never in his life had he seen his husband this sexy. He was fully turned on by the Taehyung before him. "Yes. I understand." 

"Perfect. I will teach you more as we go along, but for tonight, we are not going too extreme. I need you to pick a safe word and trust me, baby, you are going to need one. I prefer you choose a color."

"Purple." Jin let out. He was standing like a soldier before his husband and did not understand why. "I love it, baby," Taehyung said as he pinches Jin's nipple. "Now, a few more important rules, you aren't allowed to touch yourself without my permission. You aren't allowed to cum without my permission. I am the one pleasuring you, and you should be reminded of it at all times. When I give you a command, I expect you to follow through with it. Do you understand? Are you confuse about anything."

Just fuck me already Jin thought in his head, "Yes and No."

"You are so perfect," Taehyung said as he leans forward kissing Jin on his lips. While kissing Jin, he reaches out and wraps the collar around Jin's neck. "Mine." He growls as soon as the collar is fastened. 

He pulls away from Jin, eyeing him up and down, his eyes filled with lust as he took in how hot his husband was. Eyes settling on Jin's lips as he thought about how he wanted his cock sliding back in and out of Jin's mouth as he gags onto it. 

"On your knees," Taehyung commanded, grabbing his leather flogger (A form of a whip) from the suitcase.

Jin looks at his husband, but after seeing the look in Taehyung eyes, he drops the floor on his knees. Excitement settling in his stomach as he watches his husband with hunger.

"So, tell me what kind of things did you allow Kim Namjoon to do to you? I want to know, did you let him touch you? Did you guys kiss? If yes, who initiated it? Did you have sex? I want to know all of it Seokjin." He leans forward and grabs Jin's chin in his hand, "Don't even think about lying to me. The more honest you are, the lesser your punishment will be. Do you understand me?"

Fuck me, Jin thought. He and Namjoon did kiss, among a few touches here and there, but how could he confess that to his husband. "Yes." Jin choked out. 

Taehyung takes the whip and flashes against Jin's already hard member, "Yes what?"

"Yes, Master." He said, looking up at Taehyung in shock. 

Taehyung licked his lips and smiled. He was finally getting what he wanted after five fucking years his suppressed beast was making a debut. 


A/N: Author-nim is taking up a challenge. I am going to need to go swim in a holy bath after writing this book.

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