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"You are aware Jungkook liked me, right?" Jin said, trying to twist his way out of his husband's arms.

"Yes, I am aware he liked you in the past. I'm also aware you did not pay him any attention, so enlighten me on the "opportunities" you had to do things with him?" Taehyung grip did not loosen on Jin as he stared into his eyes.

Jin was turned on by his husband's jealous behavior. He liked this side of Taehyung so much that he couldn't contain himself. "Well, just because he paid me attention and I didn't, does not mean that situations did not arise where I could've acted on it."

Taehyung did not respond to Jin's comment. Instead, he grabbed his husband by his arm, lifted him over his shoulder, and walked towards their bedroom with Seokjin kicking his leg in excitement. He knew he had triggered something in his husband and probably was going to be punished, and he was excited about it.

Taehyung dropped Jin onto their bed, "I am going to show you why you should never think of another man besides me. I don't care who it is. I don't want you ever thinking of someone that is not me. I hate the thought of anyone looking, touching, or even smiling at you. It drives me insane, Seokjin."

"But Master, I don't want anyone, but you." Seokjin got on his knees on the bed and stared at the frustrated expression his husband face. "Do I get to wear a collar today?" he asked while wiping his tongue across his lips.

Taehyung stared at his husband, not sure if he should be turned on or concerned by the fact that he was not bothered that he was going to torture his ass, but instead, he was turned on and encouraging Taehyung.

"Seokjin, we are never having a foursome or a threesome with anyone."

"That's okay, baby; I don't want anyone, but you." Taehyung studied his husband's face and his response.

"Hmm, strip. I will be right back." He was going to make sure Seokjin understood his words. The fact that his husband had presented the idea to him regarding a foursome with Jungkook and Jimin meant he thought about it, and he didn't like it one bit.

Taehyung pulled out a new whip and chain he had bought recently on his way home from work. He was not planning to use it yet, but today seemed like a good day to use it. He had even found a pink and sparkly choker for his husband, one that came with a leash. He had envisioned so many things when he saw it, and today he was certainly going to use it.

Jin was lying on the bed, naked playing with himself as he waited for his husband. He rubbed and tugged at his nipples while having his eyes closed.

"Get up." Taehyung deep voice commanded as he walked back into the room and saw what Jin was doing.

Jin got up in excitement, overly ready to see what his husband had planned for him today. "Come over here," Taehyung instructed with his finger. Jin crawled to the edge of the bed, "lower your head." Taehyung clasped the choker onto Jin's neck and lifted his head so that his eyes were on his.

"You know what this means, right? If you can't take any of what I am going to do, remember to use your safety word. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, master, I understand." Jin quickly responded. His face turned into a frown when he felt a cock ring slide onto his member.


"Shut your pretty little mouth," Taehyung said, gripping Jin by his jaw. "You don't cum until I decide it's time for you to cum. Also, don't talk without my permission. The only thing I want to hear from your mouth today is the pleasureful moans and screams you will be making."

Seokjin eyes widen as he stared at his now transformed husband. His member got harder, and his throat got drier. He was thirsty for everything his husband had to offer him.

"Lay down on your stomach and put your ass up in the air," Taehyung instructed, and Jin did what he was told without hesitation. He knew the more he listened and behaved it was the faster he would get to have a release.

Taehyung took the whip that he had and slapped Jin across his ass, earning a cry from his lover. "If it gets too much, use your safe word." Taehyung reminded Jin. As much as he wanted to keep showing Jin this side of him, he worried if he would scare his husband away.

Jin only nods his head and bites into the pillow that was in front of him. Taehyung slapped Jin on his ass a few more times until he could see the imprint of the whip on his husband's bottom. Jin only moaned and cried out, but never begged Tae to stop. While he was feeling pain, he was also feeling pleasure as every time Tae brought the whip over his ass, it rubbed against his balls and caused a triggering feeling in the pit of his stomach. He was sure if it weren't for the cock ring, he would've come.

Jin didn't know what Tae was doing when he stopped hitting him. All he heard was a vibrating sound before what he assumed to be a dildo soaked in lube pushed into his hole.

"ahhhhh," he screamed out as the dildo this time was bigger than the one his husband had used before.

The dildo was pushing in and out of him, and at first, he thought it was Taehyung who was doing it, but when he saw his naked husband standing before him stroking his member, he knew otherwise. He looks down between his legs to see a machine that was pushing the dildo in and out of him.

Taehyung grabbed the leash of the collar and pulled his husband head up to be faced with his member.

"This is the only type of threesome and the closest thing to a foursome you will ever have," he said as he guides his member to Seokjin's mouth for him to suck.


A/N: Errors will be fixed during editing, if and when I get to edit.

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