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"Taehyung are you still mad at me?"
Jin asked his husband who was making dinner but ignoring him.

Ever since two days ago after he hit Namjoon and they came home Taehyung was giving him the silent treatment.

"Baby, please talk to me. I resigned. I'm not going back there, I promise." Seokjin said pleading to his husband, who still wouldn't look at him.

Jin screamed out in frustration.

Taehyung smirked a bit but tried his best to hide it. He didn't want to give Jin the silent treatment, but he wanted to punish him for causing so much trouble in their marriage.

"Fine, ignore me. I'm leaving. I'm going by Jungkook and Jimin. You can come to get me when you are ready to start talking to me." Jin said as he stormed towards their bedroom to go and change his clothes. If Taehyung was going to ignore him, then he's better off spending some time by Jimin and Jungkook.

Grabbing his phone, he dials Jimin number to let him know he's coming.

"Jin! I was j-"

The phone hung right up as Taehyung pulled it from his hand and placed it on the bed.

Jin looked at him, shocked. "You are not leaving this house," Taehyung stated calmly. "Moreover you are not going by Jimin and Jungkook to sleep. Our home is here, and this is where you will sleep." Taehyung tone was calm but firm.

"Y-your ignoring me and I have been stuck in this house for two days. Do you know how painful that is?" Jin cried out as he stared at his husband.

"Do you know how painful it is to have your husband kiss someone else?" Taehyung started gritting his teeth.

"You said you forgive me Tae. I told you I made a mistake."

"Forgiving you doesn't stop me from being angry Seokjin! I have feelings, and it hurts like shit to know you allowed someone else to touch you. I worry Seokjin; I worry a lot, I worry if I am enough for you." Taehyung said as tears left his eyes.

It's the main reason why he had been so silent the past few days, he didn't want to break and seem weak to his husband, but now he couldn't help himself.

Jin felt like shit. He didn't know what to say; he never intended on hurting Taehyung the way he had. He reached out and pulled Taehyung arms around him, colliding their bodies together.

"Tae, you are more than enough for me. It's I who's not enough for you. I wronged you, and I'm sorry baby. You are the love of my life, and nothing or no one in this world can change that. I made a mistake, but please don't think something is wrong with you, it's me, all me. I did wrong. You are everything that I want and more. I'm sorry for making you doubt yourself, baby, please don't doubt yourself because of me. You are the best husband in the entire universe."

Jin said while looking up at his husband with tears in his eyes. Taehyung looked down at him with tears running down his cheek. He loved the younger so much that it broke his heart everything he'd imagine losing him.

"Jin, don't say you are not enough, you are my first and only love. You mean the world to me. I'm sorry for ignoring you. Sorry for being weak these past few days and ignoring you. Will you forgive me, please?"  Taehyung said I a whisper making Jin cry more. He certainly didn't deserve this man. He realizes how stupid he was for even stepping outside of their marriage and causing the chaos he had.

"You did not wrong Taehyung. It's I who is sorry." Jin tipped up on his toes and kissed his husband lips.

Taehyung hands tighten around Jin's waist as he takes control of the kiss and deepens it.

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