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Taehyung slid his cock into Jin. Jin drew in a deep intake of breath at the sudden invasion, "fuck." he moans out. Taehyung looks down at his husband and smirk, he was smitten at the flustered sight of his husband. Jin was handling thinks way better than he had expected. Who knew his husband was such a freak.

He pounds into Jin's hole, loving the view and the sound his husband was making. As he pounds into Jin, Jin struggles to meet his thrust. He was filling Jin up. Jin's cock bounced against his belly as Taehyung slams into him harder. He wanted to touch himself, but he couldn't, his hands were handcuffed to the bed.

As his cock started to swell inside of Jin, he pulled the cock ring off of Jin's cock and began stroking it as he pounds into his harder and faster. Jin rocked back and forth, trying desperately to meet Tae's thrust, as his cock begged for a release. He thrust his hips into Taehyung's hand as fast as he could. He squeezed his muscles against his husband cock, causing Tae to let out a loud growl. As his orgasm began to build, he strokes Jin faster and fucks him harder. Jin couldn't take anymore and trash his head against the pillow. "I w-want to c-cum."

"Beg for it." Taehyung grunts as he pounds into him harder.

"P-please master, p-please let me cum." Jin bites into his lip and moans out loudly. Taehyung could feel his ball tighten, so he pushes deeper into Jin's hole while stroking Jin harder. "Cum for me baby, cum for me," he groans. That did it for Jin as he explodes into Taehyung's hands. Taehyung pumps his load deep into Jin's ass. Jin's muscles pulsated against Taehyung cock, sucking up the cum from his cock. Taehyung continued stroking Jin until he was done cumming.

Taehyung pulls out of Jin and moves over to his mouth. He drops his almost soft cock against Jin's lips. "Clean it."

Jin was in shock, but use his tongue to pull Taehyung's cock into his mouth as he struggles to raise his head up. His hands were still handcuffed above his head. He sucked on Tae's cock, cleaning it with his tongue. Without notice, Taehyung removes his cock from Jin's mouth and pulls off the handcuffs off him.

Jin's hands drop on the bed, and he brings them to his face as he examines his wrist. "Come, turn around, time for your final punishment." Jin's eyes went wide, his ass was already sore, and he didn't feel like he could move. He tried turning, but he moved too slow for Taehyung, so he flipped him on the bed.

"On your knees, baby." Jin eyes balls swayed back and forth as he looked puzzled. Was Taehyung really going to fuck him again, no way he thought?


Jin jumps up in shock, "on your knees, baby." his husband growls once more. Jin didn't hesitate to move this time. He did as his husband instructed.

Taehyung reached for the vibrating butt plug he had pulled out of his bag earlier. He positions it at Jin's hole. Jin felt the coldness of the plug and knew it was not Taehyung's member. Without further warning, Taehyung pushes the butt plug into Jin's hole. Jin let out a grunt as he felt the plug plunge deeper and deeper into him. Once the plug was all the way in, he tells Jin to get up.

Once Jin was standing and facing him as he sat onto the bed. He took the remote and turns on the vibrator which caused Jin's hole to begin throbbing and tighten against the plug. Taehyung pulls Jin towards him, lifting Jin's left leg and resting it on the bed. He placed his hand underneath Jin and began pumping the vibrating plug into Jin's hole as he stroke Jin's cock with the other hand. Jin throws his head back as waves of pleasure rush through his body.

He closed his eyes as the vibration and Taehyung's stroke on his cock got more intense. He was a moaning mess as he explodes into Taehyung's hand. "Ahhhh" he screams out. Taehyung chuckles as he watched his husband come down off his high. He pulls the plug out of Jin's ass and turns it off. Releasing Jin's cock from his hand.

He gets up and pulls his husband into a deep kiss. "You did good baby," he said and removed the collar from Jin's neck, dropping it to the floor.

He strokes his hands down Jin's waist, causing Jin to shiver. "Now, I want to make love to you," he whispers into his husband ears, biting onto his earlobe, then sucking on it.

Jin blinks rapidly as he tried taking in what was happening as his husband cock poked into his thigh.


A/N: So, how was it? I'm curious.

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