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"I think I should dress before we have this conversation," Taehyung says to Jin before walking back towards their room.

Jin a bit puzzled followed behind his husband and watched as he pulled out a pair of sweats. He couldn't read his husband's expression, but he was a bit worried. Was there something between him and Jimin that he was aware of?

"Let's go talk in the living room," Taehyung said, pulling Jin with him.

"Tae you are worrying me, I asked that question as a joke is there something I should really know?" Jin said to his husband as he trailed behind him.

Taehyung sat down on the sofa, his heart was beating out of his chest. He knew he probably should have mentioned things to Jin before, but it's not like it came up. He also never expected Jin and Jimin to get as close as they did and things just got buried.

"Sit next to me Jin, I will tell you everything."

Jin complied with his husband request as he was feeling a bit uneasy on the inside. He was hoping nothing had happened between his husband and Jimin. Did Taehyung cheat on him? Gosh no, his husband would never do that. It was Taehyung he was talking about, anyone else, but not Tae.

"Jimin and I used to mess around Jin-"

Jin jumped to his feet as soon as the words left Taehyung's mouth, "WHAT?!"

Taehyung got up and pulled his husband back down, "Listen to me Jin. Let me finish, please.

This was way before I met you."

"Before you met me! You met me in high school Taehyung what the hell?!" Jin interrupted Taehyung. He tried getting up again, but Taehyung's had him in a firm hold. He couldn't move. His heart felt like it was being ripped out of his chest, his best friend and his husband had a thing together.

"Jin, this was the beginning of high school. Jimin and I would sleep together. After I met you that was the end of Jimin and I., He went on to date Jungkook, and I fell for you. Since that time I have not looked at another person, you have been it for me Jin."

"Why didn't you tell me this Taehyung before now, why didn't you?" Jin couldn't control what happened before he and Taehyung met, but he was bothered that Taehyung never mentioned it to him before now, especially knowing how close he was to Jimin.

No wonder Jimin really knew so much about his husband.

"Wow! It all makes sense now, you fucked him as you do me now, didn't you? No wonder he couldn't imagine you being anything but an animal in bed. He even got to see the side of you; it took me years to discover! Are you fucking kidding me, Taehyung?!"

"Jin, please listen to me. That was years ago. I am sorry for not telling you this, I never thought it mattered. Jimin saw a particular side of me, and I showed it to him because he didn't matter to me as you matter to me. I was never scared of hurting him, but you- Jin; you are my entire world. I saw you like a delicate being that I couldn't reveal the frightful side of me to. Fear that you would resent me if you discovered my imperfections. I don't care if Jimin saw my flaws, he was no one important for me to hide them from. I wasn't with him for love.

We were just there for each other until I met you. It's the same for him, I was solely there for him until he met Jungkook. I am regretful, babe, I really am for not confessing this to you sooner. I never thought you and Jimin would become as close as you are, and even after you became close, I felt even more ashamed to confess it to you. Please don't be angry with me babe, I can't stand it when you are mad with me." Taehyung pleaded as he held onto Jin's hand.

He felt like beating himself up for now coming cleaner sooner to Jin.

"Let me go Taehyung," Jin said as he tried wriggled out of Taehyung's hold.

"Please don't leave me."

"I am not leaving you, you idiot!" Jin said as he rolled his eyes at his husband's silly idea.

"You are not?" Taehyung said as he releases his hold on Jin's hand.

"No, you said it was before you met me, right? I am only upset that you took so long to tell me something like this."

"Yes, I promise you it was Jin. Nothing has happened between him and me since we met."

"Okay," Jin said and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Taehyung asks as he looks up at Jin.

"I am going to call Jimin," Jin said, walking off.

Taehyung got up and ran towards his husband, pulling him into his arms, "Why?"

"I want to make sure he is aware that no fucking way a foursome is ever happening! I never even fucked his husband and believe me. I had a lot of opportunities to do so." He pulled out away from Taehyung only to be pulled back.

"What do you mean you had a lot of opportunities to do so?" Taehyung growled as he squeezed Jin's waist.


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