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Namjoon glances over Seokjin's naked body once more before he hurries out of the room.

Taehyung eyes burn through the door that Namjoon walked through and he began pounding into Seokjin harder than before. Jin's grip on the table tightens, no longer having control over his moans and screams. "Tae-" he moaned, trying to get his husband attention, but Taehyung didn't care as he thrust in and out of Jin.

His eyes were furious, and he was angry that Namjoon even looked at his husband the way he did. He could see Namjoon was frightened, but it didn't take away from the look of lust he had in his eyes as they raked over his Seokjin's body.

Taehyung gripped onto Jin's hair and pulled his head back as he pounds harder into him. Seokjin arches his back and moans aloud, "ahhh" he screamed and came once more. His pulsating hole gripped Taehyung's member causing him to release in Seokjin and grunts before falling on top of him. He thrusts in a few more times before slipping out and slapping Seokjin on his ass.

"Ouch." Jin let out.

"I'm going to kill him," Taehyung said as he pulled on his pants.

"Tae, wait," Jin said as he pushes himself up from the table and reaches for his husband hands.

"What?! Seokjin t-the way he looks at you!" Taehyung screamed, which frightened Jin.

"Babe, please. I'm sorry. Let's leave. I'll go home." Jin said, holding onto Taehyung.

"Darn right, you'll go home. Matter a fact your job here is done. Either you find something else to do or stay home, but you are not working here anymore, and that's final." Taehyung said, pulling his hand away from Jin.

He grabbed his shirt and pulled it on before walking out of the room. He didn't care what Jin said he needed to see Namjoon.

As he walked out of the office. He saw a lot of eyes looking towards him, but he didn't give a shit.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" He screamed at the workers.

Jimin was standing by his office door with a smirk on his face. The Taehyung he always knew finally showed himself. He could tell based on Seokjin's screams. He was feeling hot just hearing it. He couldn't wait to go home to his husband.

"Jimin, where's that bastard office."
Taehyung yells pulling Jimin out of his fantasy thoughts.

Jimin eyes pop out with uncertainty as he wonders if showing Taehyung Namjoon's office was a good idea. He had seen how Namjoon hurried out of where Jin and Tae were.

He also saw when he was going in and thought about if he should warn him, but he deserved it, so he didn't.

"Down the hall." Jimin pointed before turning and walking towards where Seokjin was.

Taehyung storms towards Namjoon's office and slams the door open.

"Listen I-" Namjoon flipped over his desk as Taehyung punched him in the face.

Before Namjoon had time to process another punch was connected to his jaw and blood splattered from his mouth.

"How dare you kiss and touch my husband! Do you get off on breaking up people's marriage?" Taehyung yells as he kicks Namjoon in the gut.

"Tae! Stop. Please." Jin pulls his husband away from Namjoon.

Taehyung flashes off Jin and Jin hit his back on the desk and cries out. Taehyung turns immediately to look at Jin, and his eyes soften. Although he was angry, his intention was not to hurt his husband.

"I'm so sorry." He mutters and pulls Jin towards him, engulfing him into a hug.

"Are you hurt? Did I hurt you?" He questions as he looks into Jin's eyes.

Namjoon lays on the floor, still unable to move as he looks up at the two.

"You look fucked up," Jimin said as he looked over at Namjoon before giving him a kick in his balls.  Namjoon grips his balls and cries out in pain. "My husband said you deserve that," Jimin added and chuckled.

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