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Jin's Pov:

I was sitting in an Indian restaurant with Namjoon. Jimin and my other colleague and good friend Hoseok were supposed to join us, but they backed out last minute. Said they both had a last-minute meeting.

I told Namjoon it would be better if we went another day, he disagreed. He said it would be best if we go today. He was looking forward to lunch with me. I was hesitant, but it was Indian food, and I left the lunch Taehyung made me at home.

I got up from the table, getting ready to walk over to the buffet when Namjoon pulled me back to sit. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to get my food." I looked at him, confused.

"We are not eating from the buffet. Let's order from the menu. Would you like for us to have a bottle of wine."

"I never had Indian food before. I was hoping to get a taste of everything I can while here. No wine. We have to go back to work."

"I'll order for us, don't worry yourself. I'll get a variety. We don't have to go back to work. We can go somewhere else." He said, giving me a wink and coughed aloud.

Namjoon only chuckled. The waiter came, and he ordered our food. I didn't know what he was getting, all I heard was chicken tikka masala, naan, tandoori chicken, and some Mur Mak something (Murg Makhani aka butter chicken) he asked me if I ate duck and me being as greedy as I was nodded my head. He even ordered a bottle of wine. I didn't hear any mention of a dessert but was hoping that would be added. I love a tasty dessert.

"That sounds like a lot of food. I told you no wine."

"I want you to eat as much as you can. Wine makes everything better baby. You'll love it."

"Please don't call me baby. People might get the wrong idea." I blushed.

He reached over and rubbed his hand against my cheek, "what people? It's only us around this table. Are you worried about what your husband might think?" I gulped as his fingers touched me. They were cold and felt gentle against my skin.

"Y-Yes. I like you only as a co-worker." I breathe out.

"Is that so? I never asked. However, your reaction is telling me something completely different. Tell me how long have you been married Seokjin?" He said, running his finger across my lip.

Oh gosh, this is so wrong.

"Five years."

"High school sweethearts?" He asked with a smile.

I nod my head, afraid to respond.

"Was he your first and only?" He asked, licking his lips. I nod my head once more.

He pulls my chair closer to him and whispers in my ear, "does that mean you haven't explored with anyone else?"

I pulled my head away, "I don't need to explore with anyone else. I love my husband."

"I'd hope you did if you are married to him for so long. However, I don't want to talk about your husband. I want to talk about you and me." Was he serious?

I pulled away from Namjoon completely, and thankful the waiter showed up with our food. I tried ignoring him and ate my food. The was amazing, I definitely would love to come back here.

"Your lips are perfect. I wonder about them and the things they are capable of doing." Namjoon said as he stares at me, causing me to choke on my food.

Why is he like this, and why am I be affected by his comments. "I think I should go."

"I think you should have another glass of wine. We can go see a movie afterward."

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