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One Month Later

"I thought you weren't going to come," Jimin confessed as Jin walked into the cafe and sat across from him.

"I wasn't going to, but after thinking for some time, I decided to."

"I am really sorry, Jin. I should've told you, but Taehyung and I just felt it was better left in the past. Honestly, nothing great happened between us. I love Jungkook, and I am happy with him. For Taehyung, I was just around for his sexual exploration. I doubt either of us knew what we were doing. He wouldn't even kiss me or show me any form of affection. That's why when I met Jungkook I was so happy. We should have told you back then, but just didn't seem important at the time."

Jimin was relieved that Jin had shown up after what seemed like the tenth time of him trying to get him to go out with him. When Jin had texted him a month back and told him he was disappointed in him for keeping him and Taehyung past a secret. Jimin was torn up about it. He had only done it to respect Taehyung's wishes and not ruin his relationship, but not because he didn't want Jin to know.

"It didn't seem important for you guys at the time, but it was important for me. I think that's the part you both misunderstood, but it's okay. I had time to talk things through with Tae, and I have decided not to hold it against you. However, us having a foursome and or even being like that is something that will never happen. Taehyung and I have a lot of work to do on our marriage, and we would prefer when it comes to anything sexual its kept between just him and me as it should be. We are not open to exploring with others.

And I know maybe I sound like a hypocrite right now because of what happened with Namjoon, but I have learned my lesson, and now I am trying my best to correct my wrongs." Jin bites into the insides of his lip as he thought about how things had been over the past month.

"Jin, honestly, our friendship means more to me than any foursome. I don't even know what I thought when I suggested that. I guess I was in one of those moments, but I understand where you are now coming from. How have things been with you and Taehyung, I hope you guys didn't fight because of me."

"We had a big fight, but it was over a lot of things. From him not telling me about you to me cheating with Namjoon to some other things, but we have moved from that now. Now we are trying to work more on our communication and the way we do things."

"Oh, I understand. So, how about work? Is that a done deal, or are you planning on finding a job somewhere else? Namjoon is no longer there, and your job is still there if you want to come back."

"For now, I am going to stay at home. We are doing some renovation to the house, so that will keep me busy for a while. Taehyung and I have also been thinking maybe within a year we will adopt or pay a surrogate to carry a child for us. There's a lot for me to do right now, so work is out of the question." Jin responded while flipping through the menu.

"He doesn't want you working, does he?" Jimin knew Taehyung, and he figured after everything that had happened, he wouldn't want Jin working.

"Right now, no."

"Are you okay with that?"

"At first I wasn't okay with it, but after talking with Tae, I have come to terms that it is for the best, especially with us considering to start a family and a few other projects we have planned. I often ask myself if Taehyung did not find out about Namjoon when he did would I have ended up doing a lot more with Namjoon and after being honest with myself, I think I would have. Mainly because I was seeking something that I thought was missing in my marriage. Therefore, each time I think of that, I believe it's best, I stay at home and focus on my marriage.

Taehyung has always been the caretaker with everything, from making us dinner to the upkeep of the home. Not to mention, he makes a whole lot more than I do, and I think I have taken things for granted with him because of my selfish wants. I want to change that now and take some of the burdens off his shoulder and remind him that I did marry him because I love him."

"Being married is so hard. I sometimes swear you fight over the smallest things, and then you have these big moments that make you think you are going to get a divorce, but then it works out. I feel like its a full-time job sometimes." Jimin sighs deeply and leans back in his chair.

Jin couldn't help but laugh, "I agree with you. I thought Taehyung was going to leave me after he found out about Namjoon. I have learned that communication sucked in our marriage, but I think now we understand each other. Being married requires hard work, I feel like its somewhat similar to parenting, you are responsible for so much, and I don't think we think about those things when we say "I do." I sure as hell didn't."

"You and me both. There are days when I have thought, maybe, just maybe I am better being single, but then I am reminded of my love for Jungkook, and I do my best to make it work. I think he and I fight a whole lot more than you and Taehyung do."

"That's because you always want things your way." Jin looks at his friend knowingly.

"True," Jimin said and burst out into a fit of laughter. He couldn't deny that he always wanted things his way, and often he and Jungkook would fight because of that. 

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