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A few weeks later...(Spongebob voice)

"Jin can you come to my office please," Namjoon said as he cruised past my desk. As soon as he is out of sigh, I lean back in my chair and close my eyes. I wonder what he wants now, I can't keep encouraging him flirting with me, I am sure that constitutes as cheating. I wouldn't like anyone flirting with my husband. Although something in the way he speaks excites me and the things he says. The way his words makes me feel, gosh I am such a horrible husband.

"Are you dead?" leave it to Jimin. "No, I am not, but divorce I will be if I don't get my shit together. I opened my eyes at stared up at him.

"What the heck do you mean, you and Tae fighting? That's unlike you guys." Sure was, we were considered to be the "model" couple. "No, you know Taehyung better than that he doesn't do fights or arguments. I wish he would yell sometimes, but he doesn't even do that. It's me, I am the problem."

"You?" Jimin now looked even more puzzled than before.

"Yes. Namjoon likes me."

"Well shit you just finding that out? I could've told you that. I even told Jungkook our new attorney has the hots for you. But what that got to do with anything, guys like you all the time. He will get over his crush, he knows you are married." My eyes bulge out of my head, "You told JK? Jimin! why would you do that?" I whined.

"He asked about him. What's wrong anyway, it's not like you got anything going on with him." Jimin said confidently, and I put my head down. "OH SHIT!" Jimin said in a whisper, "Are you having an affair with him?"

"No, gosh no! W-we, w-well, h-he flirts with me a lot a-and I kind of entertain it." I bit the inside of my cheek as I looked at Jimin feeling embarrassed.

"Jin! you can't do that. What if Taehyung finds out. Have you done anything together?"

"I know Jimin, I know. Taehyung pays no attention to the things I do outside of our home. Also, he knows about Namjoon, I told him we had lunch a few times already. Yes, we go to the movies quite frequently, and we were spending a lot of time together recently working on things for our newest client, Brickwidge."

"Jin, that's not true, Taehyung pays attention to everything that goes on with you outside of your home. I can't believe you have been married to that man for five years and are still blinded." Jimin looks at me and shakes his head, "Besides going to the movies with Namjoon, do you guys do anything else, like anything physical?"

"That's what you think Jimin, however, I know my husband. He only cares about my well-being and keeping our home and relationship intact. As far as things with Namjoon and me, he has made advances as well as tried to initiate a few things, but we haven't done anything physical nor will we. Weonlykissed." I swear Jimin almost slipped as he gripped onto my desk to stand up straight, "You guys kissed?"

"H-he kissed me." I defended.

"Jin, you have to stop this. Taehyung would flip if he knew this. He is the one who asked Jungkook about Namjoon, which means he is suspect something. You have the best husband at home, don't allow the temptation to destroy your marriage. Cut this stuff off with Namjoon. I love working with you here, I would hate for you to be banned from working here." Jimin said in a serious tone but pouted at the end.

"What do you mean Tae asked Jungkook about Namjoon?" Why would Tae be asking JK stuff about Joon, that's odd; even for him.

"Exactly what it means. I guess he is suspicious, I am sure your behavior has probably changed. Shit, you don't even have lunch with me anymore, but I only assumed it was because you were busy, but now I see you are only busy flirting." I wonder if what Jimin is saying was true, was Taehyung noticing a change in my behavior.

"I will stop it Jimin. Our project together ends soon anyway, and then I think he will be leaving for six months to go to Japan to work onsite at a client. I won't get banned from working here, like who would ban me, you are crazy for even thinking that." I rolled my eyes at him, which cause him to laugh, "You really have no idea about what your husband is capable of Jin. I think that man tries too damn hard to stay sane around you. If I remembered correctly when we graduated college, Taehyung did not even want you to work. I think sometimes you forget who are married to and the power he holds. I wonder if Namjoon even knows exactly who your husband is, maybe I should introduce them."

I immediately jump out of my seat and hold onto Jimin's hand, "You can't do that! Namjoon and I have nothing. I love Tae. I know he's tough outside, but that's because of his status, he's not like that at home. I will stop entertaining him, I promise." I am aware of what Taehyung is capable of in the world of business, but he's not like that with me at home, never have been.


"What took you so long?" Namjoon asks as he gets up from his desk and walks over to me. "Were you trying to avoid me?" he runs his finger down my cheek, causing my breath to be hitched. "N-no, not at all. C-can you please not touch me. T-this is not right."

He pulls back and looks at me, "But, I want you Jin. Even if it's only once, I just want to have a taste of you. I can please you in all the ways he won't." his fingers trail down my chest and pinches my nipple through my shirt. I quickly push him away from me, "Seriously Joon, we can't, I can't. I love my husband too much." As monotonous as he maybe, I do.

"You are such a mood killer, do you know that? Anyway, can we at least go to the movies tonight?" He said with a small smile.

"Fine, we can." While Namjoon was a flirt, he really was an excellent person to relax and talk with, when he wasn't trying to find his way into my pants. I enjoyed our odd friendship.

He chuckles and walks back to his desk, "okay, let's work. This client is driving me nuts. We might leave here late if we don't get started on things."

I nodded my head in agreement. I had been doing a lot of late nights at work recently. While some of it had to do with Namjoon. A lot of it was mainly because of the work I had to get done. I tend to neglect during the day because of Namjoon. Therefore, I guess you could say Namjoon was the cause of my late nights in the office.


My Winter Bear: (😉-Author-nim had to)

I want you home early tonight. No later than 6 PM. if you are not home by then, I am coming to get you myself.

I stared at the message on my phone in shock.


A/N: Took a jab at writing this. Sorry if it was boring 😔.

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