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"I-" Jin struggled to formulate his words. Taehyung tightens his arms around Jin's waist and pulls him closer to him. "Baby. You are not in trouble. I'm just trying to understand what about him that excites you that you felt the need to entertain him the way you have been, that's all." He could feel Jin's heart beating. He knew he was nervous, but he needed him to be. Jin had stepped out of bounds in their relationship. Never once since he had been married to Jin had he looked at another guy.

"Can I sit next to you and we talk?" Jin asks as he lets out a deep sigh. He had never seen his husband like this, and as fucked as it might be, he was considerably turned on by how he was right now. He knew he shouldn't be, especially when he was being asked about Namjoon. However, he couldn't help it.

"No. I like seeing you like this. So, tell me, what about Kim Namjoon excites my husband so much that he no longer comes home on time. Ignore the lunch I make for him and text messages him every night while he pretends to read? I'm curious babe, what is he doing that I am not."

"Tae, it's not what it seems. N-Namjoon and I aren't like that. I'm not cheating on you, I promise."

"But baby, I never said you were. I'm more curious than I'm worried about you cheating." Taehyung began drawing circles on Jin's back. Jin, on the other hand, couldn't fully understand his husband. "Talk to me Jin. I'm your husband. Are did Namjoon erase that from your end?"

"He's not boring." Jin blurted out. He didn't know how else to say it.

Taehyung began coughing and pushed Jin off of him as he stood up in shock. "He's not boring? Does that mean you are trying to say I'm boring?"

Jin sits up in the middle of their bed. "Tae. I don't mean it like that."

"Jin I think that's exactly how you mean it. So you are telling me you've been flirting with your coworker, going to the movies with him, eating at fancy restaurants, let him write perverted things to you, staying late at work with him, doing god knows what all because he's not boring?" Taehyung raises his voice at Jin.

Jin was beyond shock to know Taehyung knew all he had been doing. "Tae. I'm sorry. I can assure we didn't do anything. I shouldn't have entertained Namjoon. I don't see him like that. I love you. You are my husband. It's just that sometimes honestly...I do find you....a tad....bit boring...and while I know, I shouldn't have entertained Namjoon I did. He provided me some excitement. He speaks to me in ways you aren't willing to talk to me. We sleep together on a schedule Tae. Friday and Saturday's only. I'm your husband. I have needs and feelings. There are days that I want to come home and just be fucked by you, sorry about my language. I know how much you don't like me cursing, but still.

Our sex life is boring. It's the same thing over and over again. Same position, always with a condom. Nothing about what we do is spontaneous. We are young. Not some old ass couples who can't even bend their knees. I hate it. I love you; I love the things you do for us. I'm in love with you, but I hate our sex life. I'm not satisfied anymore. If I try to wear something sexy to bed, you rush me to take it off.

You are an amazing husband, one I am happy to have so I never complain or argue, but since you want to know. There it is. That's why I've been hanging around Namjoon. He makes me feel wanted and as sad as it sounds, I like it. He gets jealous of another guy at work, smiles at me. You don't even care if I stay out late at nights. That's just how I feel Taehyung. However, I'm sorry, and me doing what I've been doing is not okay. I promise you I'll stop with Namjoon." More than what Jin had wanted to say had come out.

Taehyung head was spinning. He never knew his Seokjin was so annoyed with their sex life. He thought that was his struggle. In trying to keep himself sane, he was boring his husband, and he never took note of that.

"Come here," Taehyung calls Jin over to him. Jin swallowed hard before crawling off the bed to stand in front of his husband.

"I've been selfish. Haven't it." His fingers trail down the sides of Jin's arms. "I created a sex schedule for your safety. I didn't know you were bored. You should've told me. I don't like it either. Seokjin, there's a side to me that I have been keeping away from you. One that I never wanted to scare you away with. But now that you've confessed that you hate our sex life. I think it's time I introduce you to that side of me. However, before I do that. I want to know that you'll trust me no matter what?" Taehyung stared into Jin's eyes; his expression was serious. He knew once he opened that world to Jin, he wouldn't be able to take it back or close the door.

"I trust you Taehyung, and I'm sorry if I hurt you." Jin felt horrible. He truly did. All while he was flirting with Namjoon, he never really considered what would happen if Taehyung were to find out until Jimin brought it to his attention.

"Let's not worry about that. I forgive you. You didn't know any better. I'm to be blamed as well. I'll let this one slide." Taehyung says as he pulls Seokjin body to his "Now, allow me to show you why you should never look, touch, engage, or let any other man besides me touch you ever again." He trails his hand down Jin's shirt and pulls one his button, "Why don't you go ahead and strip for me. Let's redefine how you see our sex life." He leans forward and kisses Jin on his lips. "I'll be right back. I'll go get the handcuffs." Taehyung said and walked out of the room with a smirk on his face while Jin stood in the middle of the room floor with his eyes wide and his member hard.

The only thought that crossed his mind was where the fuck did his husband get handcuffs from.

A/N: This book will not be filled with unnecessary drama. It's a lite domestic Taejin book covered in smut. As Seokjin discovers the hidden ways of his husband 💜

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