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"Are you nuts?" Jin asked into the phone

"No Jin I am not nuts, I got the idea while you and Tae you know where at it in the office," Jimin said

"Jimin there is no way Taehyung would do a foursome, like never! Oh my gosh, he would probably have my head if I asked him something like that and don't forget I am not even out of trouble from what I did with Namjoon. If I go to him with this, he would probably hand me divorce papers. No way Jimin that idea is canceled."

Jin couldn't believe Jimin would even think of something like that. It's not that he was entirely against the idea, something about it intrigued him, it was a fantasy, but not something he was willing to act on especially not with his best friend and Jungkook. Taehyung would lose his shit if he asked him about.

"He might say yes, Jin, you never know."

"Why do you even want a foursome anyway Jimin. I don't want to sleep with your husband, and I don't want you sleeping with mines. I feel like we would be opening pandora box with that and I think we should just leave things as is." Jin had made up his mind; he didn't want to do anything like that. He already messed up by allowing Namjoon to kiss him and touch him, imagine another man penetrating him, oh fuck Taehyung would probably kill him without even a thought.

"I just thought it was fun and being with how Taehyung is and Jungkook I figure we would have a good time. I wasn't thinking of you sleeping with my husband, or I sleep with yours. More like foreplay and you and I making out and pleasuring one another while our husband fucks us." Jimin could picture everything. It was Jin he wanted the opportunity to test the waters with. He knew what Jungkook and Taehyung were like, but Jin body was unfamiliar to him, and he always had a little crush on him.

Jin always presented himself innocently, but Jimin could see the freak within him, and he knew having a foursome would be a great thing.

"You and I?" Jin voiced out.

"Yes, you and I. I am attracted to you, Jin. Not in the way you think, you are just tempting. I think having a foursome would quench a lot of the thirst I have when it comes to you." Jimin whispered into the phone.

Jin's eyes were wide as he took in what his best friend was saying to him.


"Yes, Jin?"

"I have to go. I will call you later." Jin said and hung up as he stared at his husband, who had just walked out of the shower. Taehyung was standing in front of him with nothing but his towel wrapped around his waist.

"What did Jimin want?" Taehyung questions as he rubs his hand through his hair, shaking out the remains of the water that was in there from him washing it.

"A- a foursome." Jin blurted out.

Taehyung's hand dropped from his hair, and he stared at his husband, "I am sorry, I don't think I heard you correctly just now, what did you say Jimin wanted?" He took a step towards Jin, who was sitting on their bed.

"A-a foursome," Jin repeated gulping as his husband now stood between his leg and was looking down on him.

"hmmm...what did you tell him?" Taehyung hands began running down the side of Jin's bare leg.

"I-I told him you would be against the idea."

"What about you, Jin?" Taehyung inquires while squeezing Jin's thighs.


"I- no, what?" Taehyung voice changed into a deep, demanding one as he clutched Jin's thighs tighter and stared at him.

"I told him no," Jin muttered out

Taehyung pulled Jin jerk him closer to him as he settled between his legs the only barrier being his towel and Jin's shorts. "I know you told him no, but how do you feel about it?"

"I don't want to."

"Seokjin! I am not asking what you want. I am asking how do you feel about the idea of your best friend's husband fucking you while I fuck your best friend?" Taehyung demanded

"I don't feel good about that Tae. Jimin said that it wouldn't be like that, though. He doesn't want Jungkook having sex with me or neither does he want to have sex with you. It would be he and I with foreplay while you and Jungkook have sex with us."

"Jin I don't really give a shit with what Jimin says or how he wants things. You and I are not part-taking in a foursome. And if you are so much as thinking about the idea of having one; I want you to erase that thought immediately! The day you allow someone else to touch you that is not me is the day you are going to regret it. I forgave you once, but don't think for one second I will put up with this shit a second time.

You want to be a freak, and you have freaky tendencies, we can live them out together, alone! Do you understand me?" Taehyung grips Jin's jaw as he stared into his eyes, commanding Jin to look at him.

"Yes." Jin couldn't believe his husband had these sides to him. He also couldn't believe instead of getting upset he was turned on by his possessiveness when it came to him.

"Good. don't mess us up again, please." Taehyung voice softens as he released his husband's jaw.

"I won't, I love you Tae," Jin said, giving his husband a smile before tugging on the towel that was wrapped around his waist.

Taehyung hands reached out and stopped Jin's, "Wait, babe, later. I have something to do."

Jin frowned, "What's that?"

"I need to call Jimin," Taehyung said and pulled away from Jin.

Shit, shit, fuck! Jin thought to himself. He followed quickly behind his husband.

"Taehyung don't yell at him, please. I already told him no."

Taehyung turned to face Jin, "Babe, I am not going to yell at him, I just want to ensure he understands that no. I know Jimin a lot more than you do."

"Funny you should say that Jimin seems to know you a lot more than I do, care to explain why you both know each other so well?"

Jin's question caught Taehyung entirely off guard; he was not expecting it at all. 

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