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A week before Jimin's conversation with Jin.

Taehyung's Pov:

I slam my bag down on my desk, loosening my tie in frustration. "What's wrong with you this morning? Traffic?" My best friend Jungkook said, walking into my office.

"No, It's Jin." I run my hand through my hair in frustration.

"You guys fought?" Jungkook asked, looking at me in surprise.

"No, we didn't. Lately, he's been acting different and engaging in things I'm not okay with. I'm trying to keep my cool and be the perfect husband that I am to him, but if he keeps this up, I don't know how long I'll be able to do. By the way, has Jimin said anything about a new attorney, Kim Namjoon, to be more specific?"

Jungkook drops himself in the chair in front of my desk. "Tae, what is Jin engaging in? I told you to stop playing this perfect role, and instead of working out your frustration in the gym, allow your husband to see the other side of you. I doubt he'll love you any less. Jimin knows all sides of me; it's what makes our marriage so unique. Nope, haven't heard about him. Jimin knows how I get hearing about another, so probably why he hasn't mentioned him. I give you credit though cause I don't know how to, you stay sane with someone like Seokjin. Especially with all the attention he gets. I couldn't have married him; I think I would've turned out to be a stalker. Hence the reason why you and he ended up together. Until I found out from Jimin what you are like." I rolled my eyes at Jungkook, of course, he'd refer to the past. 

"He is flirty with his new co-worker, and I need you to ask Jimin about him for me. I want to learn more about him before I confront Seokjin. I know he won't love me any less, but Jin grew up seeing his mother being used as a sex toy by others. I don't want to scare him more than he has already been scared. I never want him to think our relationship is only built on sex. I try not to argue with him. He cried a few times while we dated in high school, and it broke my heart, I don't ever want to see him like that ever again. Therefore, while I want nothing but to tie him up and fuck him every day like the sadist I am. I can't do that. He's too innocent and pure for that. Although lately innocent and pure is not what I am seeing when I read his messages to that Namjoon guy, and I am losing my shit Jungkook." I drop back into my chair and growl in frustration. "Also, for the record, Jin belonged to me, and we know it. I sure you wouldn't trade Jimin for the world now. Jimin and I only clicked sexually. He is the only person who has ever seen that side of me. We were young and stupid had no business together."

"Does Jin know about you and Jimin?" Jungkook asks with a raised eyebrow.

"No. we never spoke about it. It doesn't matter. He knew I was not a virgin when we got together in high school. He never asked who I lost it to. I don't think Jimin ever mentioned it to him either. " I wonder how Jin would feel about that. I mean, it was years ago.

"But you and Jimin knew about Jin and me."

"Yeah. I mean you used to follow him around like a lost puppy, so of course, we know. I am just happy you both never slept together."

"Jin never saw me that way," Jungkook said sadly.

"Thankfully, he didn't. Or else you would not have been allowed over to our home."

"Look whose talking. You slept with Jimin!"

"Seriously, Jungkook! That was years ago. You never even cared about him or knew who he was back then. Like I said Jimin, and I only experimented as friends. He loves you. I love Jin. We are with the person we are meant to be with right now, and that's all that matters."

"Fine. I guess. So what are you going to do with Jin?"

"Since he is finding entertainment on the outside, I think I might need to remind him of who he's married to. Vanilla sex doesn't seem to be working for him anymore. It sure as hell ain't working for me, however, I was only considering him and his feelings. Not anymore, he is awakening the beast I have tried to bury for years by being the perfect husband to him. Please don't forget to ask Jimin about Namjoon." I swear if I find out they've done anything physical, Seokjin will not like it. All these late nights he has been spending at the office better have been about work and nothing more.

Jungkook and Jimin were aware of my hidden frustration. I had turned to the gym and boxing to release a lot of the things I wanted to do to Jin. In my eyes, Jin was too perfect. I still don't know how I ended up with him. He is too perfect for me. A monster like me didn't deserve a beauty like him.

He had no idea the things I want to do to him. I designed a schedule for our sex life to restrain myself. I wanted him always to see only the good side of me, and never the dark side others often got to see. However, with his behavior as of late. He was indeed working his way up to seeing a completely different side of me, and I pray he is prepared for it. If he thought Namjoon's perverted words were exciting, he had another thing coming.

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