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"Can I open my eyes?" Taehyung asked Jin with eagerness. "No, not yet, be patient, please." Jin scolds his husband while he leads him to where he needed him.

"It's been three months, don't you think I have been patient enough?" Taehyung whined, almost stomping his feet in impatience.

A few months back, they had set out on renovating their home, not much was needed to be done, but it was a project to keep Jin occupied while he got acclimated to staying at home. During this time, Jin decided that he would take the opportunity to do something special for his husband, something they would both benefit from, but something he was confident his husband would love at the same time.

While the remodeling was on-going, a particular room in their home had remained off-limits to Taehyung. He had promised Jin that he wouldn't peek or interfere with anything until Jin gave him the okay to look or requested his input.

Jin was surprised that Taehyung honored his word. He had a camera installed in front of the room he had under renovation, and not once did Taehyung try to enter the room. He knew had it been him; he would've been too anxious not to take a peek. Taehyung definitely had a lot of patience, something Jin had come to recognize, he had very little of.

"Yes, you have been. You can open your eyes now." Jin directs Taehyung once they are in the room he wanted him in.

"It's dark." Taehyung grumbles. Then with a flip of the switch, Jin turns on the light. "Ta-da!"

Taehyung eyes widen as he surveys the room; it didn't take him long to realize the kind of room he was in. He took his time to walk around the room, examining every furniture and toy that was in the place. Some of which even he was confused by, but couldn't wait to experiment with them.

He then turned and looked at his husband, who was smiling from ear to ear, "do you love it?"

"Jin, are you sure about this?" Taehyung's mind was racing with images of the many things he could see himself doing to Jin. He could actually see himself losing control in the room Jin had designed for him, and that was something he would hate to happen.

"I ask you if you love it, and you ask me if I am sure? Do you think I would do it if I had any uncertainties about it? Do you not like it?"

Taehyung marches over to Jin, picks him up and drops him down on the massage table. Jin, who had become used to his husband's behavior was silent as he looked into his eyes, he loved it when Taehyung was like this with him. Having him take control and manhandle him was one of his biggest turn-ons.

"Of course, I love it. I want to make sure you know what you are doing." Taehyung leans forward, pressing his forehead onto Jin's. No matter how much he had the urge to do a lot of things to Jin, he tried his best not to, and he never wants to do anything that is going to affect their marriage or cause Jin to despise him.

Jin wraps his legs around Taehyung's waist and pulls their body closer, "I want you to be one hundred percent you around me, I want to explore every dark side of you there is to explore. I designed this room, so you can be the man you want to be. I want you to be who you want to be. I love the idea of you doing whatever you want with me whenever we are in this room. I don't want you to hide this side of you from me anymore; with doing this, I want you to know that I accept this part of you, and I love it."

"Jin, I am a sadist, are you telling me you are okay with that." Taehyung pulls his head back to look down in Jin's eyes.

Jin wraps his arms around Taehyung's neck and pulls him back down, not once breaking eye contact. "If you are a sadist, then I am a masochist, and I am trying to tell you I am in love with you all parts of you. I love the fact that one night we can be vanilla, the next night, you can have me bound and flipped over on an inversion table."

"Gosh, what have I done to my once innocent Jin." Taehyung chuckles and places a kiss on Jin's nose.

"You fucked the innocence out of him, something I am hoping you will take to doing more often," Jin responded while winking at his husband and pulling at his shirt.

"I think you are now addicted to this lifestyle." Taehyung flips off his shirt and throws it onto the floor.

"Wrong," Jin says as he sits upon the table and takes off his shirt, throwing it to the far right of the room, "I am addicted to the beast within you."


That's All Folks!

Probably will give a BDSM chapter in their Red Room at some point, but as for storyline, this is it. 

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