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Taehyung's Pov:

Last night was different. This morning I woke up with many concerns. As I lay in bed and look at my husbands sleeping form, I wonder if I did the right thing by opening the door to the part of my life, I kept hidden for so long.

Jin and I need to have a serious talk when he wakes up though. I can't stop myself from crying as it bothers me and pains me to know he allowed someone that wasn't me to kiss and touch him.

I kept myself under control all the years we have been together because of my love for him and never wanting to hurt him or for him to think I was some sex freak. I wish he had told me he thought our sex life was boring. I would've fixed it. I did everything a husband was supposed to do. I might have put in place a sex schedule, but that was more so for his benefit than it was for me.

However, I was wrong, and I could see his view on that as I turned him down for sex many times. Not because I wanted to, oh gosh, it was hard staying in the same room as Seokjin and not wanting to fuck him all the time. It's just vanilla sex isn't my thing. I make it work, but it's not what I enjoy.

I like pain mixed with pleasure. Pain which I couldn't inflict onto Jin. He would hate me, well at least that was my thought process. I still don't know how he feels about last night. I wonder if he still loves me the same.

I don't know what I'll do if he doesn't. I am already in shambles over a kiss he and Namjoon had. What would I do if he said he's leaving me? He's the love of my life. The man I treasure more than anything else in this world. There is absolutely nothing I wouldn't do for Seokjin. I love him the most out of anyone in this world.

"Why are you crying?" Jin asks, surprising me. I didn't even realize he was awake.

"Nothing. How are you feeling?" I inquire

"Tae, I'm feeling fine. Don't tell me you are crying for nothing. Tell me, what's wrong?"

Am I enough? Do you love Namjoon? Do you still love me? How can I trust you? Will you cheat on me again? Was I too rough with you last night? Are you going to leave me?

Those were all the questions I had. However, I was afraid to ask them in fear of the answer I might receive.

"Do you love me, Seokjin?"

He sits up on the bed and looks down on me, "Are you crazy, of course, I love you more."

"Then do you love Namjoon?"

"Gosh, no Taehyung. Namjoon and I aren't a thing. I was wrong for entertaining him Tae, but we aren't like that. I can promise you that." He said as he tries to reassure me.

"But you kissed him." As soon as the words left my mouth, a flow of tears left my eyes. The thought can't seem to escape my mind. Seokjin allowed someone that wasn't me to kiss him.

"I-I was wrong Taehyung, and I'm sorry."

"Why didn't you tell me I was boring earlier Jin. That you didn't like our sex life, why didn't you? I would've fixed it."

"I don't know Taehyung. I guess it's the same reason why you didn't show me that side of you until last night. Fear of ending our marriage and fear of hurting you." He leaned his head back and looked up into the ceiling.

"But you still ended up hurting me." I don't know why I was so emotional, but I couldn't get over the fact that he allowed someone else to touch him, he found comfort in someone that wasn't me. Had I not stepped in would things have gone further. 

"Taehyung, my words might not mean much, but I am sorry. I truly am. Namjoon kissed me, but I was wrong for entertaining him. I was crazy about finding pleasure in the conversations I had with him. I cheated on you, I cheated on us, and I'm sorry.

I have nothing with Namjoon, and I don't plan on having anything with him. You are my husband, and I want to continue being with you. I am happy you showed me another side of you last night and wish you had done so a long time ago. Taehyung you cared for me as a husband should, but let's be honest you were selfish when it came to our sex life. You would turn me down on the nights I needed you the most. I felt neglected. I'm not saying what I did was right, but you my husband pushed me away without reasons."

I sat up on the bed and stared at him. Contemplating everything he said. He was right in some sense. Our lack of communication could've very much destroyed our marriage.

"I forgive you, Jin, and I am sorry too. Please don't do this to us again. I don't think I'll be able to handle it.

As for me pushing you away, I was afraid you'd hate the Beast Within me. I am so scared that now you've seen that side of me you'll want to leave and to be honest Seokjin, I don't think I can hide that side of me anymore. I don't know if that will make you love me less." I told him truthfully.

Jin moves on the bed and straddles me, "Taehyung, I promise you, I will never step out of our marriage again. I am so wrong for doing that. I know it's hard for you to trust me right now, but I promise you I am yours and only yours from this day on.

And another thing, I don't want you to keep your inner you buried I wish for you to unleash all of it. It won't make love you any less, it anything it will make me love you more. Last night was beyond amazing and the by far the best sex I have ever had. I want more of it."

I stare into his eyes as he spoke. My hands gripped onto his waist, tightens as I pull him closer into my lap. My member was already hard for him. It didn't help that we were still naked from last night sessions. However, I was trying desperately to control myself.

"Seokjin I don't think you are aware of what you are asking for. Last night was me being considerate and maintaining control. I've done a lot to tame the beast within me. Seokjin I would fuck you every day 24/7 if I could."

"Taehyung I don't think you are aware of what I am requesting. I want you to lose control, and I want you to fuck me every day 24/7 if you can. Let's be wild together, and I'm not looking to tame the beast within you, I am looking to unleash it." He said in the most sultrily way while maintaining eye contact.

"Ahhhhh.....fuck!" He screamed out as I flipped him over on the bed and entered him.

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