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Last time I will say this book is only for Mature Audiences. I won't put a warning before chapters going forward.


Jin woke up to an empty and messy bed. He groans as he tried to get up, but his body was sore and achy. Today was certainly going to be a difficult day at work he thought to himself. Looking at the time, he realized he only had an hour to get ready and head to work.

His original thought was to call out of work, but he couldn't do that. Therefore, he hurried as fast as his body would permit him to out of bed. Dragging off the sheets off the bed. He planned on throwing them in the laundry, no way they could sleep on those again. Even he smelled like sex.

Once he was done with everything, he headed to the shower. When he caught sight of his appearance, he smiled to himself, loving the marks his husband had placed all over his body. He traced each visible one with his fingers. As he touched his body, he remembered every kiss he received the night before. His member hardens at the image of the previous night. The way Taehyung sucked on his neck while he pounds into him, all of it was coming back to him. He began rubbing his nipples while he stared at himself in the mirror, biting his lips and moaning his husband name.

Jin was getting too worked up, he no longer cared about the time to get to work. Walking back into his room, he digs through the suitcase that has his husband toys and pulled out a dildo of his choice and lube. He smiled to himself, grabbing his phone and walked back into the bathroom. Turning on his video, he props the phone on the sink.

Rubbing a considerable amount of lube on the dildo, he turns and bends his ass facing the camera with his left hand on the wall, while his right-hand guides the dildo to his ass. He positions the dildo at his hole, stroking the outside of his hole with it as he looks back and smiles into the camera.

After some time of teasing himself with the dildo, he turns on the vibration on low and slides it into him, he moaned out his husband's name as he pushes the dildo all the way in. "Master, is it okay that I do this without you?" he says into the camera. He thrust the dildo into himself, turning it on high, letting go of the wall and begins stroking his member while working the dildo inside him. The high speed of the dildo was driving him crazy, he couldn't formulate his words as his eyes roll back and he came all over his hand. His hole pulsated around the dildo, causing his body to vibrate as his orgasm washes through him.

Coming down from his high, he pulls the dildo out and turns entirely to face the camera. Placing the dildo at his lips and started sucking on it. His tongue wrapping around it as he bops his head up and down. Pulling his mouth up just to slurp on his saliva. When he had enough, he put the dildo down and picked up the camera winking into it, blows a kiss and then he ends the video and sends it off to his husband.

He looked at the time on the phone and realize he only had twenty minutes to get ready, "damnit." he groaned. He was going to be late, and he was now more sore than when he had woken up, but it was something he didn't mind, he loved the feeling of it.


"Not only did you not show up to work yesterday, but you are late today. Also, why haven't you responded to any of my messages?" Namjoon interrogates as he corners Jin by his desk.

"What are you, my boss?" Jin questions as he rolled his eyes at Namjoon.

"I could be," Namjoon said as he steps closer to Jin and whispers in his ears. Jin gulped but immediately pushed Namjoon away. "Listen here, this, whatever this was, ends here today. Please let's keep things professional. I am not interested in you."

"Why are you lying to yourself Jin, you know you like me. Why else would you go to lunch with me all those times and-."

"Free food! Why else? Mr. Kim, please let us keep things professional, thank you." Jin said as he walked away from Namjoon.

Namjoon was pissed as he stared at Jin's back.

Jin hurried towards the bathroom entirely out of breath, "that was close." he muttered to himself.

His phone rang frightening him even more, he picked up as he realizes it was his husband.

"Hi, baby. Did you like my video?" Jin asks Taehyung

"You are trouble you know that?" Taehyung said, breathing into the phone.

"Only for you. Did I turn you on?"

"What do you think? Make sure you are ready when I get home."

"Well, you mean when I get home, you know you always get home before me."

"Where are you?" Taehyung questions his tone changing as he expected his husband to be home.

"work, where else?" Jin asked, confused.

There was complete silence on the phone. "Hello.....Taehyung baby, are you there?"

Jin pulled the phone away from his ears to see if his husband was still on the line, but upon checking, he realizes that Taehyung hung up.

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