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"Seokjin don't tempt me here. You might end up regretting." Taehyung's lips were almost touching Seokjin's.

Jin smiled and stared back into his husband eyes, he knew he shouldn't, but he wanted to something within him love seeing his husband lose control. He loves the side that he kept hidden.

He didn't know how to stop himself, nor did he want to. He sticks his tongue out and traces the lines of Taehyung's lips.

He yelped out in shock as Taehyung lifted him by his waist and pushed his back into the wall his lips attacking Jin's.

Jin wrapped his legs around him and smiled against his lips while he kissed him back. His fingers laced through Taehyung's hair and he tugged it.

He grinds his waist up and down on his husband. Taehyung pulled away and stared at Jin in disbelief. "You are something else, do you know that?"

"I'm your something else," Jin said with a smile before pulling back his husband lips onto his.

He was so up for the office sex. He didn't care. Throughout their relationship, Jin has been wanting the spontaneity. Therefore he was not going to reject it now. No matter where his husband tried to give it to him.

Taehyung leaned down and sucked on Jin's neck. Jin tilts his head to the side, giving his husband complete access to his neck.

He could feel the hardness of Taehyung poking at him, and he couldn't wait to feel it elsewhere.

Taehyung pulls away from Jin and places him to stand. "Pants off now."

He demanded as he unbuckled his belt and slid his pants down. Jin did as he was told and without further instructions, he propped his left knee up on the desk and bent over, giving Taehyung a perfect view of his ass and hole.

Taehyung smirked and shakes his head, and he watched his husband. Such a damn freak, he thought to himself. He loved every minute of it though.

Rubbing his member, he aligns himself at Jin's hole, gripping onto his waist. "You belong to me and only me." He says before slamming right into Jin.

Jin moaned out "flippy dippy duck!" loudly as he tried his best not to curse.

Taehyung chuckles to himself and thrust hard and deep into Jin's hole. Looking down at his member as he slid in and out and how Jin's hole clasped onto his member.

He slaps Jin's ass cheek, making it jiggle as he thrust in and out repeatedly.

Jin couldn't suppress his moans. He gripped onto the edge of the desk. He was lifting his leg higher to give his husband better access. He loved the feeling of his husband repeatedly hitting at his prostate.

"Just like that, yes, right there, baby." Jin moaned out to his husband.

He tried lifting his head to look back at Taehyung, but Taehyung pushes his head down, pinning him to the desk as he pounds mercilessly into his hole.

Jin's mouth hung open as he took in every ounce of what his husband was giving him. He knew he might not be able to walk or sit afterward, but he didn't care. He loved every bit of it.

He didn't mind not being able to walk as long as he gets to feel this type of pleasure all the time.

The office door burst open showcasing an angry Namjoon as he took in the scene before him. Which only causes Taehyung to pound into Jin faster and harder.

Jin exploded on the desk while staring into Namjoon's eyes as he calls out his husband's name.

Namjoon eyes roamed over Jin's naked and exposed body. However, fear took over as he looked up from Jin, and his eyes met with Taehyung cold and hard stare.

He gulped as reality kicked in on whose husband he had been messing with. That's when he knew he fucked up.

A/N: Any errors ill fix later.

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