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Seokjin was extremely nervous as he walked into his home that day. Ever since receiving the message from his husband, he was not able to keep still at work. He had texted back Tae, but he never wrote him back, which was unlike him. Taehyung always responded to his messages. If anything he was the one who was most likely to leave Taehyung message unanswered, but never the other way around.

He had to put his foot down and let Namjoon know he couldn't stay late. Namjoon, of course, was not happy and tried doing things to make him stay, but Jin knew by the way Taehyung wrote his message that he was serious. Therefore, he made sure to leave on time.

As he made his way into his home in search of his husband, he found him in their dining room around the table.

"Sit," Taehyung ordered.

Jin looked around the room puzzled but took a seat across from his husband without asking any questions. Taehyung always pulled out his chair for him whenever they ate together. Why was he like this today. He didn't even greet him as usual.

"Eat. The food is still hot." Taehyung said while he pushes Jin's plate towards him.

"Everything okay?" Jin asked his husband. Taehyung was expressionless. He seemed angry by his tone, but Jin was still somewhat confused.

"No. Everything is not okay baby. But it will be. Please eat your food, and we will discuss it afterward." Taehyung gave a bit of a smirk which threw Jin off a bit.

"Tae-" Jin words were cut off by his husband sterns voice, "Seokjin, I believe I asked you nicely to please eat the dinner I made for you. You already don't eat the lunch I make for you during the days, so can you at least show some appreciation for my hard efforts and eat the damn dinner? Or is that too much to ask of you? Is my cooking no longer to your liking?"

Taehyung threw his napkin onto the table and leaned back in his chair. Jin stares at him with his eyes wide. He couldn't believe that his husband had just yelled at him.

He wasn't able to eat as he was beyond confused and nervous at the same time.

"Fine. You don't want to eat. Let's talk." Taehyung got up from around the table and picked up the plates of food. Taking them into the kitchen and dumping the food into the garbage.

He returned to the dining room to an unmoved Jin. "Come with me." He said, pulling Jin up from his seat who just stared at his husband with a bewildered expression.

Taehyung ignored the look on Jin's face and walked them into their bedroom. He sat on the bed and pulled Jin into his lap. "Turn so that you are facing me." He demanded of his husband.

Jin frightened by his husband behavior did as he was told. He was now straddling his husband, face to face with him.

Taehyung reaches up and caresses Jin's face, "Now, tell me, what's about Namjoon that excites you so much?"

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