Chapter 1: First encounter, First creation

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[The book cover is mine, please don't steal it or use it]

'When we fall asleep,
Where do we go?'
Bury a Friend- Billie Eilish

She groans, as she lost motivation to continue to work on an AU, which is related to 'Undertale'. She haven't name that AU yet, but she wasn't going to because of her lost of motivation. The creators of other AU motivate her to do so, but it was really hard. You have to make sure you don't take ideas from others as you don't accidentally copy a name of an other Undertale AU. She have no choice but to discontinue it, she have no reason anymore. Her desire to draw, to make things is always there. But to create that is over-used? Not anymore.

She sighs and leans back to her chair and looks at the time. Its nine-thirty pm. She rubs her eyes as her phone started ringing.

She picks her phone up and press then green button, "Hello?"

"You're still awake?" A voice said in the other side.

"Yup, why do you call me?" She ask

"Nothing, just checking up on you [Y/n]. How are you? Still doing that AU?" He asks.

"Nope, I am lacking motivation to do so. I discontinue it," she said.

"Aww, I like the plot though and the design. What made you stop?"

"Like I said, I am lacking of motivation. I don't know if I can continue it without messing the plot up. I can't just continue something that I'm loosing motivation to," she replied to him.

"Alright, how's your insomnia?" He asks.

"No changes," she said.

"Does it disappear even just a tiny bit?"

"I think so, but its still there."

"That's good then, maybe the ASMR's could help you fall asleep like the last time ?" He teases as he knows the girl like to listen to ASMRs.

A slight blush made over to the girl's cheek, "could you not? Plus I'm listening to them to fall asleep."

The boy chuckles, "sorry just teasing you. Welp, better go now. I'm getting tired, night [Y/n]."

"Night," she said then press the red button to end the phone call.

[Just saying that I don't know how insomnia works, so sorry if I kinda triggered those who has.]

She stand up and goes to her bed to lay down. She put her head phones on and started listening to some calm music. One of them is one of the Undertale OST. By that, the girl fall asleep.

As the girl fall asleep, a figure emerge from the paper. "Be ready for an adventure, Creator." He said as she chuckles lowly.

[Y/n] squinted her eyes to feel see light going through her closed eyes. She open her eyes slowly and what she saw is a plain white. Which wasn't normal because her ceiling is in galaxy color. Her eyes widen as she sat up quickly and looks around, just to see white. An abbys of white.

She stand up and looks around again, "hello? Is anybody in here?" She ask.

"Oh my, a human." She flinch when a voice spoke behind her. She turn around to see a familiar skeleton that can be seen in the internet.

"Ah, sorry for startling you. My name is Ink, the Creator and Protector of the AUs . Who are you and what are you doing in the Anti-void?" He ask nicely with a smile.

"I'm [Y/n], [Y/n] [l/n]. As you can tell I didn't came from here." She said.

"Ah, I see, lets get to know each other then." He said and chuckles.

They sat on the non-existent floor of the white abbys or what Ink called a anti-void.

"So I'm [Y/n], came from a world where humans don't have magics. And I am a creator of an AU," she said.

"You are a creator?! Oh my such an honor to meet you," he said as he shook your hand cheerfully.

She chuckles, "yeah I'm creating an AU before, but I discontinue it."

"What? Why?"

"I'm loosing motivation to continue creating that AU." She replied to him with honesty.

"Ah, that's sad. Maybe I can help you," he said.

"There is to many AUs already Ink, I don't know how you will be able to to protect them all." She said with a slight chuckle.

"I wouldn't mind protecting you," he said.


"I mean I wouldn't mind protecting your AU. Yeah that!" He said as he chuckles nervously.

"Oh, Ink. You don't have too," she replied.

"But seriously, I think I need to protect you now. If Error knows about you, I'm sure he will capture you." He said.

"Yeah, but I pity that guy. He is lonely and misjudged since he destroys AUs, am I right? I wouldn't mind him as a companion except if he tries to like make me to become one his puppets."

The skeleton nods, "but still. I will protect no matter what."

"You flatter me, Ink." She said.

"Wait, how old are you?" He ask .

"I'm 21 years old," she replied to him.

"Oh wow," he said.

She chuckles, "so that small bottle of yours that I kinda called vials, is what giving you emotions right?" She ask.

Ink nods, "yes sadly. Because I have no soul."

"Aww, well then.. I [Y/n] the creator, grant you a soul!" She joked. Then they burst laughing.

But just then, a light form In front of them. They shield their eyes from the light then shock too see what's floating. A white soul.

"Woah, did I do that?" She ask.

"I think so," Ink said who is the most shock between them.

It floats on her hands and smiles as she holds it out to him, "its yours now."

Ink hold out his hand and the soul floated to his hand. "Really?" He ask. [Y/n] nods. The soul went through Ink and it was now inside his left ribcage.

"Thank you so much!" He said, as he hugs her. He lets go, "but even that, I will still use this vials. I'm not use to feeling real emotions." He said.

"I understand, don't worry." She said. "You could feel what love, pain, anger, sadness or any kind of emotions." She added.

Ink nods at her, "again, thank you very much."

"Your always welcome," She said.

"Ink?" A voice said. They turn their heads where the voice came from and saw another skeleton.

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