Chapter 5

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Draco POV

I sat there looking around for a while and then decided that I better get to work and not give her a reason to throw me out of her house.

I did the dishes and the laundry.

While doing the dishes I realised that Hermione had left me some lunch. Bacon and cheese.

I had my lunch alone. I had to serve myself, get up to get water for myself and washed the utensils.

Since it was only 3 and Hermione would be back by 6 according to the sheet of paper that I found in her room, I had 3 hours to do what I wanted.

I decided to wander in the surrounding and breathe fresh air.

And find myself a job.
I can't live in the pity of some mudblood forever. Just because I'm taking help from her doesn't mean I actually care about her.

I walked around the place - parks, food joints, shopping centres.

Everything was so ....mundane so mugglish...

Is that even a word?

Why would Hermione decide to stay here?

It was 5 30 when I decided to head back. I couldn't find any jobs or places to apply for jobs because they were all muggle shops or jobs.

Hermione's p.o.v

Draco malfoy was checking me out?

No he was probably just judging my outfit.

Uhh I'm so late...

I grab a taxi and go to the library. Thrice a week I work at the library just to have an experience of both non maj life and the magic life.

I do most of my work with the use of magic so I'm quite efficient and get paid a lot.

Today though I'm unable to concentrate on anything whatsoever except for ofcourse the stupid slytherin prince living at my house.

" .........after you went home with him...heyy! hey?"

Uh oh

"Yeah hmm yes" I muttered.

Shouldn't have said

"I knew you liked him. So u did have sex!!!"

"What! Oh my godd no.... I wouldn't. Ew never have sex with him."

Caroline is an amazing friend but she just comes up with the most absurd conclusions of all.
I met her at this library a couple years back.
She's a great person and I mean she finds a new crush every second day and a new date every week. As playgirlish as one can get.

For the rest of the day she gives me those half smirks but I manage to stay out of another weird conversation.

"Hey wanna hang out?" She asked at the end of our shift...

I could but.... malfoy at my house.....

Ugghh hate him

"No can do :(" I give her my I'm sorry face.

"Does the reason include a certain blondie"


I rolled my eyes and left.

Draco POV

It has been so long and yet still she hasn't returned.
I was done with the clothes and dishes within an hour.
I obviously just used my wand.

But I think she should have been her by now

And she arrived. Her hand working their way through her messed up hair.

"Hey!" I didn't reply. I couldn't reply. That's not like me.

And she is hermione bloody Granger what is up with me.....

"Hi" I say as enthusiastically as possible.  She gives me a pointed look as if saying - I'm letting you stay here atleast pay some respect. But you know what draco malfoy doesn't do respect.

"See I told you muggleborns arent very good at staying with purebloods. No wonder you stay in this muggle house."

"Okay" she was keeping her bag down

She gestured me yo sit on the sofa she just spanked on.

"Rule no.1 you respect me."

I made the best growl I could. Respect her?!

But I needed a home to live in and food to eat so I sighed in defeat.


Hermione's p.o.v

He put up his hand as if showing defeat.   I was pleased draco malfoy pleading me. Great.

I went on "when harry, Ron or Ginny are here you stay away and not show your face at all, no matter what."

An expression of shock passed his face

I mean he has never liked harry or Ron why would he want to see them anyway

But what came out of his mouth left me speechless "Are you telling me that weaselbee stays with you?"

I was infuriated. Who does he think he is coming into my house and challenging me....

"His name is not weaselbee"


Part 5 is here!!





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