Chapter 31

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Have I pushed too hard?

His hands were wrapped around my neck pushing me hard against the wall, so hard that it hurts. His lips bruisingly kissing mine obviously to show no affection but his possessiveness. Hard and fast, biting and nibbling, while his other hand was pressing my hips as if punishing me.

He barely took and gave me a second to breathe in between the kiss of my life and in those moments his eyes were such a shade of blue that all I wanted to do was stare at them. Like the night sky with twinkles in its wake as stars, deep blue yet so many shades.

Okay, let me recap a bit.

Today morning

I was getting ready for work when Malfoy entered my room without knocking, again.

"It's been 4 days already, you still angry?"

"Stop entering without knocking and I am getting late, Malfoy"

I had my date today. I felt so bad about lying to him that I told joseph about the plan and he was on board with helping us, me, whatever.

Caroline would doll me up and we would leave exactly when Draco enters the apartment. Oh, and I had to tell caroline everything apart from the magic stuff. She is after all my only friend right now.


"This is too revealing"

"That's the point babe. Oh and I told joseph to grab your ass so don't hit him if he does"

"You did what!??"

Currently, I'm wearing a sleeveless golden top, short skirt and stocking socks. C is also doing my makeup, She is doing smokey eyes with nude lipstick I think.

She wouldn't let me see myself in the mirror.

"I think your roomie is about to reach home, I am calling joseph"

"Whatever, like I have a say"

Malfoy just entered home, joseph must be...

And the bell rung.

I run to open the door.

"Where do you think you are going?" spider stuck in his own web, ha!

"On a date, Not that I have to answer you"

"No, you're not, especially in that"

"Bye Malfoy" Mission #1 accomplished.

"You're acting like a kid. Stop going to parties dressing up like.. just to piss me off"

"Not everything is about you"

Double accomplish.

Joseph and I just roam around the town, went to some shops and reached back home by midnight. I opened the door softly only to find Draco sleeping on the couch.

Know this is mean but I asked joseph to start kissing me with as much noise as possible. We kissed and kissed for a while Until Joseph noticed Draco waking up since he was facing Draco and grabbed my ass but just barely.

"He has seen us" he said in between kissing.

"He is heading to his room"

"oh" I couldn't help the disappointment in my voice "you want me to make him jealous?"

I couldn't reply, but my heart was screaming YES YES YES

He began to bite my neck and started sucking on it...

Oh my god he was giving me a hickey, while his hand was just about to touch my thigh under my skirt


I was plucked, literally, out of his hands.

"SHE" Draco punched Joseph "IS" and again "MINE"

All of that were growls and not shouts. I think I have gone too far today.

Draco will beat the shit out of him if I dont break this up

"Didn't seem like she was when I made her cum" 

Is Joseph out of his mind.

"Draco stop please" 

 I try to stand between them


 I wedge myself between them waiting for the blow from Draco's punch but it never came.

"You" he sneered "Let another man touch what is mine, I will make you pay"

With that, all thoughts of Joseph are cast out and he is staring at me, or the hickey on my neck. I feel the slam before I notice it and by then, I'm too lost.

And that ladies and gentlemen is how I manage to be in this situation.

His hands wrap around my neck pushing me hard against the wall, so hard that it hurts. His lips bruisingly kissing mine obviously to show no affection but his possessiveness. Hard and fast, biting and nibbling, while his other hand was pressing my hips as if punishing me.

He barely took and gave me a second to breathe in between the kiss of my life and in those moments his eyes were such a shade of blue that all I wanted to do was stare at them. Like the night sky with twinkles in its wake as stars, deep blue yet so many shades.


Three updates in one day!! Damn yeah. Show some love. How did you like this chapter? Any guesses as to what happens next?




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