Chapter 17

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Now you know my story

He left to go to the bathroom leaving me a mess but if he gets to kiss me then I get to question him all. I. like.

When he returns, face washed, taking both my touch and his expressions away.

Draco's p.o.v.

Oh god, I kissed her, begged her to kiss me and promised to explain to her what happened.

It's true I guess, what my father said, I am a disgrace to the Malfoy name.

I enter the room keeping my face as blank as possible and sure enough there she is.

"Kissed a pureblood. Hehe. You can cut that off your to-do list"

Why the fuck am I being an arse. Oh yes, because my father's belief about me is in fact true. An. Abomination. I have no idea why but she brings out the worst in me.

Best too.

"Are you done?" she drawls acting uninterested

Has my poker face really become so bad that even Dirty..

Fuck that name. I' de started calling her that since our night together,  obviously only in my head but lately it has been slipping out. Damn her stupid self


"Tell me"

"Tell you what"

She lifted her eyebrow.

This girl thinks I care about her...

Don't you?

Pfft never.

"You promised, you would tell me about what's bothering you if I know .....did that"

There's that blush I adore. I mean find ridiculous, I don't adore anything about her

She is just a means to an end. Yes.

"So now you're whoring yourself out for information" I chuckle at how bad I am at being good. Looking my condemnation in the eyes, calling to it, in fact racing after it I continue "How the mighty have fallen"

Honestly, I expected screaming, accusations and anything but the cold hard stare she gives me silently telling me exactly what I won't admit I understand. It's worse than being hit by the sectum sempra. Her disappointment.

"What do you want to know?" 

"What had you in knots that night"

Not wanting to admit the issue I take one last chance

"I'm a messed up guy, didn't get sex Dirty"

That failed miserably because again I was subject to her cold stare.

"Fine, you want to know what happened I'll tell you"

Taking in a deep breath I start with my story.

"After the war, I was in the bad situation, sandwiched between my father's beliefs and my own. I fought with my father saying you all were right. Fought for him in the Battle of Hogwarts only because he was my father. The Gryffindors, Ravenclaws and Hufflepuff's looked at me either in terror that I might slice their heads off or I got the repugnant accusatory looks from students, your little friend group included. The Slytherins loved me for something that I hated myself for. Everyone lied to me mostly in fear but sometimes because they were insanely inspired by me. Like burning down your own school is something to be proud of"

"Oh Draco"

"Shut up, you won't ever mention this again. To me. To no one."

Fuck, It's not her fault

"Anyway, even the teachers hated me for self-evident reasons. That had been a long day. Firstly, in my daily owl delivery, I found a letter sent by my father again telling me how much of a failure I am; Secondly, while talking to the juniors when I had lifted my hand to do a hand gesture a girl flinched, Dirty. She thought I was going to hit her for no reason"

Not even caring that I had used her pet name I continued before she could interrupt me. Because I knew she was going to tell me things that would soothe me, but I don't deserve to feel good about shit.

" Then father wanted me to marry Astoria to improve our condition in the wizarding world but she was a bitch. Agreed to everything I said, practically treated me like god"

I didn't even realise she moved until her hands were around my neck, squeeze as if the thought of me with another girl bothers her, 

Yeah. Right.

"I don't want my girlfriend to treat me as anything more than a boyfriend so I told her that to her face, you know, that she was a whore and doesn't need to treat me like that and I demanding her to leave me alone "

Her head was on my chest holding me close.

"You won't believe what she replied to that – she said that she would try to do better! Like whoever even"

Now I was pulling her closer. Fuck!

"So I went to the forest and found you. That night I genuinely laughed after months"

It felt good to say it all out.


Hey guys, 3 chapters in one day? Merlin that should be appreciated. There it is, stuff about him. Watch the video above, I know the reasons for his anger that I gave may seem stupid to u, but imagine being hated? That is what he isn't admitting






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