Chapter 19

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Black suits me

"What? Your boyfriend from over 5 years and you broke up!!??"

"Yes but that's not just it. There's more"

I explained to her what was going on between me and Draco and how he was my enemy from my boarding school but we shared a moment.

"So you're telling me, your high school bully is your rebound from your high school sweetheart?"

"no no ofcourse no..."

"That is so dreamy, your kids will be so pretty, yayy "

"Caroline, I think you are missing the point. Even a boy who has no friends doesn't want to be my friend"

there I said it out loud.

"That's an insult to me Mione"

"You know that isn't what I mean. You are the best friend I have, but am I?"

"Ofcourse silly, you know what we need is to get you a hotter boyfriend. Hotter than both your highschool sweetheart and that stupid git of a bully" ''

"No no I don't want anyone else as long as I have you"

"We are going to the bar on Sunday and I'm coming to your house before, to make you look sexyyy"

She said it with such excitement I couldn't say no.

Damn me.

For the rest of the week I successfully managed to ignore Draco, considering he wanted the same thing. It wasn't so difficult.

We ate in our own room, I left his food on the table and we never spoke of it again.

Saturday came and in the night when I went to get water I found him lounging around playing with my television remote

"I've been trying to figure out how this thing works" "um its like moving pictures" I switched on the television for him

"Thank you"

"Can you stay....I might need help with this uh thing"

We watch television for the rest of the night and somehow manage to sleep on the sofa in an extremely uncomfortable position. I manage to wake up and sneak into my room with a sore neck

Lucky for me it was Sunday which means I slept in till noon. And stayed in my room mostly unless I went to collect the food I ordered.

At around 5, C came barging into my house and had a weird sort of fight with dra..Malfoy about knocking.

"Oh the hottie outside even cares about your safety, more than himself if anything"

suggestively raising her eyebrow

"I've already told you all I know and it doesn't seem like he cares"

"Seriously, are you so blind??!! He wants you like crazy "

good for her trying to plant seeds in my mind. Like I'm going to let it grow into plants . "Lets get ready" I say much more enthusiastically than I am. Just to distract her and me somewhat

8 pm

"I'm not wearing this"

She had brought for me her black shorts which barely covered my inner thighs and black sleeveless top

" I don't understand why I have to wear such clothes to look sexy, its all about the style"

"Oh hush, we are trying to make Draco lust after you and get jealous "

"Yeah right" I mutter.

"What did'ya say"

In the end I drape a black leather jacket to give the outfit a sense of me and we walk out to find Malfoy sitting outside

He turns his head towards me and trails his eyes all over my body " aren't leaving in that"


Hey guys, sorry for the late update, I've been having the writer's block. But here is the new update. Hope you liked it.





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