Chapter 7

613 7 2

The trios break up

Draco's p.o.v

Thank God I came out before she could kill me.. there she comes...

Waiting for her to scream at me

1..2..3... boom


What the hell?

"Hermione I'm quite hungry.." I said

"Then make it yourself" she says so calmly!?

"For being the brightest witch of our generation you arent very smart"

"What does that mean?"

She really was going to make me admit that I dont know how to cook or use these muggle devices

Godd how I hate her

"I dont know how to cook"

Hermione POV

Finally he admits.

I can feel a smirk form on my face when he says that he cant cook.

"Does poor malfoynot know how to cook" I coo sarcastically

"Also I've found you a job"

"What?!" He asks so suddenly and loudly I almost got scared

"I found u can work in diagon Alley for madam Malkin. Shes ready to give you quite a lum sum if you be her cashier"

For someone who's broke he does think a lot....its not like he has any other job.

" ok. Tell her I'll do it"

"Great! work starts tomorrow"

"Also my friends dont know you're staying with me so it would be better if you just keep it at that"

Next day-
I left before malfoy woke up and reached home before him too

Getting all the supplies from 7 11
I made pasta coz they all love it and once I was done and changed, Malfoy entered.

He was wearing a black suit and white shirt with the top buttons open.

"Here take yours and stay inside..okay?"

"Granger if you can have friends over so can I... right?"

What!? He doesn't have any friends

"I guess"

"Great because I met this girl who likes me and I think I'm gonna get laid tomorrow "

Uh what!?

After half an hour harry and Ginny reach my house but Ron somehow is very very late

"Wheres Ron...its been 90 minutes and I'm hungry" Ginny said for the hundredth time

"I think I'll call him"

I call him and it keeps ringing

He really has to learn to use his phone. I've taught him so many times yet he always forgets to handle it.

Oh finally he picked up.

"Hey mione" he sounds like he was asleep or very very tired.

He must have slept through. Damn it that idiot.

"Ron, you had to come meet us for dinner at my place"

"Oh yeah yeah I'm sorry got caught up...uh reachingin um 10"
Why does he sound so nervous so

"Babe where are u going. Come back"

That's another

"Ron who is with you and what are you doing?"

I say sharply. Unable to keep the disgust from my voice

"What happened? " Ginny asked

And out of anger I snapped at her

"What happened is that your brother has been cheating on me with another girl"

"Mione let me explain please.i .....I was just"

"Firstly dont call me Mione. Secondly we are done, no explanation needed"


Hey guys, lovely to update again.





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