Chapter 14

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Malfoy's pity party 

On entering my room I slammed the door shut and weep like a baby who just lost her favourite doll.

The more depressing fact is that I didn't know who I was more outraged at? Ron for being a cheater and an asshole, Draco for being....pleasant to me or myself for just thinking that!

That is when I remember his words

"I don't pity you, but I sure do owe you. So if you want to talk I'm here for you"

Whether that makes me feel better or worse I don't know but another sob ripples through me.

Bang. Bang.

"Go away Malfoy. I don't want you here"

"No you don't want me, but If my wet t-shirt and the sound of your incessant uncontrollable howls of cry are any indications I' de say you need me"

I just shook my head fully aware that he couldn't see me but speaking out loud as it seemed was just becoming more challenging today.

Dammit, I was never the kind of girl to cry over a boy.

But he was my best friend.

Exactly he was yours, but apparently, you weren't his.

My discussion with myself was interrupted by his troubled voice

"let me help you like you helped me! "

Bang bang

God that house debt again. Like I let him stay here so he can babysit me!!

With me sidetracked he pushes open my door, entering without permission.

"On the bed."

Like I would ever listen to him


It's not like I wanted to follow his instructions but I was too weary to argue so with a reluctant shrug I find myself sitting on the bed.

Ferret goes around the room sits beside me on the bed while taking his shirt off.

Malfoy is taking his shirt off!!!!

"So now you are using distressed, worn-out girls"

I was on high alert my adrenaline taking control. With no comprehension of the words spilling out of my mouth. Until I saw the little colour left on Draco's face vanish.

"You think I'm going to rape you?!"

"of...ofcourse not. That's not what I meant"

"I would never rape you, you know. Just taking off my shirt because its wet and sitting beside you because I think you need a friend right now to whom you can talk to. Without feeling guilty of making them choose sides or no fear of them telling it to Weasel. "

"I understand" is all I can manage, even in those two words, my voice cracked.

But its completely honest because I do understand.

And then I did things I would never admit out loud. 

I cried and cried on Malfoy's shoulder until I saw black. 

And all through I kept reiterating the words of the song that I have been listening to on repeat in my head

"Some days it's hard to see. If I was a fool, or you, a thief"

And he sat there, comforting me through it all for which I hate him a little more. 


Hey guys, chapter 14. With this, the story now has over 8000 words.

Thanks for the support all of you'll

A special thanks to iggyultra






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