Chapter 27

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Reasons I shouldn't kiss The Slytherin Prince

And just like how drugs work, the high there one second and then you are out. The same way he opened his mouth.

"So we put on a good show, eh?"

I push him away with all I have, because if I stayed in his embrace for one more second...

No I can't even think

"The hell Mione?!"

"Go away Malfoy"

"What happened?"

"What happened!! You happened and your stupid grin happened and your crappy personality that makes my heart melt "


"Your what?"

How dare he!

I cast him the most venomous look I could muster.

"It doesn't matter because your pea size brain cant even understand the.."

"It was real"


"All of it"

"What are you talki.."

He kisses me again.

I know I should pull away or push him away for enough number of reasons that I could write a book on it.

But I have no control over my body, my hands interlink around his neck. My mouth parting on its own accord. His tongue enters my mouth, there is a small battle of domination which I am more than willing to give up, just to have his tongue worship me forever.

I am also aware of two elephants in the room

#1 that there are too many people gathering around us

#2 the one hitting my stomach

Everything is happening in slow motion, I can feel every kiss and nothing else matters until I realize what he meant by it was real.

The weeks I thought I was growing crazy having dreams and hallucinating about almost giving up my virginity to Malfoy was all real.

It made me so angry that he let me think I was crazy, just so he didn't have to admit to almost having sex with a mudblood.

Now the only thing I felt was rage, red hot anger. Everything became so fast I can't decipher exactly what happened when but I was home with Draco still in the fest.

Yes I left him there to fend for himself. For once.

I just can't believe how someone could possibly be so selfish as to let another person think they were going crazy for their own effing ego.

I can't help but think how stupid it was of me to even try to help him or even fall for him?

It shouldn't hurt so much, after all we are talking about the slytherin prince.

"Hey Mione!"


Hey guys, stay safe




Extra info - Dramione is going to happen pretty soon

can we get this post 4 votes?



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