Chapter 26

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First or Second?

Draco has been acting weird since he said the best boyfriend thing, not that I took him seriously.

In the car he didn't say a word and right now he has his hand around my waist and is talking non stop as if we were a real.....

"Darling, you aren't listening to me, are you"

"Yeah,no.. sorry. What were you saying?"

"I just asked you if I should punch Ron in front of everyone and you said yes"

Oh no. For once it's good that he knows me so well.

"Yeah, Thanks for not going all apeshit on him"

"See that, it's a boyfriend test. See if I can get you.. uh.. whatever you are um getting there"

It was a red colour booth with a lot of different teddies and called 'Hoop the Loop'

"I think I know what game it is"


"it's a muggle game, you need to toss a ring into a bottle and depending on your points you do or don't get gifts"

"Well then why is it called a boyfriend test exactly!?"

"Well in the muggle world boyfriends win a teddy for their girl in such booths"

"Then lead the way" I moved towards the booth with Draco until I realized

Who could possibly have a muggle booth here.

"Oh no Draco I don't think we should......"

"Weasley...a ticket please"


"Mione, you are with him"

Like he has the right to call me mione or question me

Ignorance is the best revenge, right?

"2 tickets, I don't have the whole afternoon"

Ron hands over the tickets without another word giving Draco disgusted looks

"So babe, choose a bear"

"You know you are good with whole boyfriend girlfriend thing, why don't you go for any relationship?" I whispered as softly in his ears as possible

"Because I never knew what they liked – the fame, money, surname or me"

He speaks close to my ear I can feel his breath and I notice Ron eyeing us

Also realize what this might look like and there it is the blush.

When its Draco's turn I hear Ron say

"Fun for you huh dating my sloppy seconds"

What the actual fuck

"Oh weaselbee, the blood on my sheets are proof that I'm nothing less than her first"

Oh no no

"What did you just say punk?!"

"Weaselbee, my girl is waiting for me to earn her a bear if you allow me"

He comes out with something behind his back in his hands "What just happ"

And like always I float into paradise when his lips touch mine. Its scorching in a way that I feel I might burn or explode and so free, liberating even.


Hey guys, hope you all are doing well. Thats the new chapter, hope you enjoyed.





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