Chapter 12

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No cliche when Gin's here

So after I succeeded in explaining Gin exactly how "sexual" our interaction had been she, as usual, came up with the weirdest reaction.

She burst out laughing saying something along the lines of "So he basically manipulated his words so it seemed like you two fucked?"

Honestly, I was kind of pissed. I mean how could she even think me and Malfoy to have slept together. Considering we all know that the only cheater present in our friend group is her brother and my boyfriend, I mean ex-boyfriend.

"I can't believe you ever thought I would sleep with him!! " I said reluctantly.

I'm sorry Mione, it's just that Ron had told me that he saw you kissed the ferret and then I heard Malfoy saying that stuff. "

"Oh well, I may have kissed Draco... I mean Malfoy to get back at Ron for saying that it's okay that he cheated on me and that we can get back together"

"He is an idiot, doesn't even know how to apologize"

Ginny shakes her head in frustration.

"You, ma'am, have been dodging my owls and calls for days, now tell me how you really are."

"Honestly I have no idea" I shrug nonchalantly as if Ron cheating on me didn't affect me at all

"Cut the crap Hermione, tell me how you feel"

I never lie to Gin but this is a desperate circumstance. After all, Ronald is her brother and in no way can I let Ron know that I was completely shattered by his betrayal

"I'm coping. Can I ask you to please let Ron believe that the kiss between me and Malfoy was real"

She regards my plea and after a pause gives me a hesitant nod.

"Coming to the ferret, what is he doing at your house"

And just like that, I explained to her everything that happened from the beginning to Malfoy having a girl over.

At last, I made yet another request of secrecy to her "Please don't tell Harry. I really couldn't just abandon him there"

"You should know that I'm extremely mad that only now that I have cornered you, you decided to tell me all this. Dear Merlin! The ferret lives with you "

"And the ferret can hear everything. Also Dirty, molesting me like that for your own gain. Never expected it out of the prude that you are "

It took me several seconds to comprehend that by 'dirty' he meant me.

Yet I wasn't sure so with my index finger I pointed to myself silently inquiring, if it is in fact me he's talking to.

"Obviously you, Dirty"

He strolls in my direction. Standing closer than what I am okay with so I take a step back, he moves forward.

We move back and forth until Ginny makes a gag like noise and out of nowhere punches Draco square in the face.

Draco stumbles backwards groaning. While Ginny grins at me "Welcome" 

'You deserved it' she gloated

And then poof she's gone

"Weaslette, I will get back at you"

I can't help but chuckle "Too late, Malfoy"


HEY, GUYS 3rd update of the day.


Tell me how you like the story's pace? Do you think I should hasten it along or if it's too slow?

Also, do you want me to add Luna, Blaise, Neville or any other character into the story? Also, would you like to see more of Caroline?

I would love to get some feedback






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