Chapter 10

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Well Played Malfoy

Hermione's p.o.v

Outrageous, horrifying, brazen, egregious piece of shit. Thinks he can say stuff like that! Have the last comment just because I'm going through stuff. I'm going to murder him. I'm going to use the cruciatus curse then the imperius curse and then avada kedavra him!

I burst into his room to give him a piece of my mind along with other awful curse words and actual curses, thinking Im going to stun him.

But I come face to face with a smug looking draco standing right in front of the door in his room with his hands crossed in front of him and an eyebrow raised.

"Are you done killing me in your mind?" he suddenly asks out of nowhere

Stunned by his knowledge i stammer out a "How? .....But I.... I never"

"Oh Granger! We've been fighting for over 15 years and had been enemies for 6 years, ofcourse the 7th year was quite interesting. But Alas it ended quite filthily for you and me, you would think I understood how you felt" and then he had the nerve to wink at me...he winked!?!

Did i mention he winked.

"Don't look at me like appalled, you know exactly what I'm talking about"

"Actually I don't"

"Come on Granger you could never forget that night with the rain and the slytherin prince by your side"

"You are so not the Slytherin Prince as you call it"

By now he had a half amused smirk on his face and and glint in his eyes that told me that he was enjoying this just as much as I hated it. A frustrated snarl of rage comes out of my mouth without even realising.

"You and your insinuations. Nothing. Happened."

"Babe" he mimicked me [failed at it miserably by the way just like in his life] and then continued in his hoarse and fake sexual voice "Don't you remember all the dirty things I did to you? To keep your mind off the redhead"

I'm too angry as he approaches towards me, as it seems like to hug [I kind of really do need one though] to notice that he is continuously glancing at the door until a voice booms in the room.

"OH MY GOD HERMIONE, did you sleep with him when we returned to Hogwarts for the last year. You did seem nicer to him. " Ginny half screamed, half begged me to tell her it's a lie.

That's when I noticed his perfect smirk and winner look. He knew! All along he had been baiting me.

"You wait. I will rip you limb by limb" with that i faced my bff who looked at me expectantly

I left the room making sure we're out of his ear shot when I say

"Obviously nothing happened"

"Then tell me what was he talking about? The dirty jokes and all? Tell me the truth..why?"

"See it wasn't supposed to go down like that. Total accident. Remember that being at the wrong place in the wrong time thing. Exactly that."

7 years ago

That stupid git. I've told him I don't want to sleep with him yet. Do boys just not understand the meaning of the simple two letter word NO. Ugh.

I've been sitting out in the forest entry area for a while because no body comes around this part much, especially after the war. So its desolate for miles.


thank you for reading!




Lots of Love



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