Chapter 20

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The blonde one, Again


"No I won't let you leave the house in that "

What the hell!?

He has absolutely no right to say that me.

I'm angry but also a little happy that he cares.

No I'm not happy, I mentally bang my head on the wall

"I don't remember her asking for your permission" snaps me out of my dream.

"She doesn't ...uh....doesn't look good in that"

Did I just see a hint of red on his face.

He turns around to grab his glass of liquor.

No sign of the red.

Out of rage I pull out my jacket and stand there in only the spaghetti tops "Yeah well, it's good then that I don't care much about your opinion"

His eyes widen and takes a deep breath as if he can't breathe

"Could you give us a moment." He says it more as a statement than an actual question.

With a wink C stands outside my apartment.

"Granger, if this is your way of telling me fuck off, it isn't working.. I don't care"


No way in hell will I let him get away with that.

"Oh isn't it lovely? To think everyone's life revolves around you. I'm sorry to break your bubble but this is for me"

I leave the house without another word.

"What happened in there? I told you he will get jealous"

"No, all he wanted to do was remind me of how unwanted I am"

"Well damn him..we are going to find you a guy to get home with today"

"You know I'm not going to sleep with anyone"

"Hermione, don't get me wrong but you're 25! Till when do you plan on holding on to it"

"I guess I could dance with someone maybe" Weirdly it makes me feel free to say it out like that.

At the bar we eat some nuts and crisps before getting drunk and then straight go to beer. After a couple cups of beers I go to the dance stage and Caroline and me dance for a while.

That when I saw him the bane of my existence.

Stupid fucking Draco slug eating Malfoy.

I don't know why but at that I take two shots straight.

"Whoaa that guy really bummed you, never seen you drinking that much"

"Just letting go like you suggested"

I see a couple boys sitting together, a red head, blonde and jet black. Pointing towards the third I say

"I am getting the black one"

Some how I end up dancing with the blonde. We are doing the sexy dance,I am swaying my hips. His hands are on my barely clad thighs and hips, and mine on his back. Just when my hand goes to enter his shirt to touch some more skin I'm pulled back.

I waft of mint fills my nostrils. I know this smell. I like it too.

Until I realize who the person is. "You. Are. Not. To. Touch. Another. Man. EVER."


Hey guys another update, next chapter is going to have a big Dramione scene. Till then






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