Chapter 16

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Kiss of my life

We were eating in silence until I realized what he had said and that's when I asked him 

"So... what were you going through"

He mumbled something that sounded too similar to – shouldn't have said that, but who knows with Malfoy.

"Nothing Granger, eat your bloody food."

The shift.

"Come on Malfoy, tell me. It's only fair after all"

I don't know why I'm so adamant to know about it. Actually, I do. 

Curio- bloody- sity

"Don't fucking care, Dir...Granger"

"But you will care when I tell everyone how you couldn't help but take care of me, and then if it doesn't happen on its own, I will spread rumours about you being in love with me"

Don't ask me where that came from because guess what? I. don't. know.

And I obviously wouldnt

"I'll deny them all" Now he looked both bored and on high alert. His brows creased and he clenched his hands yet was so engrossed in his food.

"Well, who do you think they will believe? An ex death eater or me"

I knew it was the wrong thing to say the moment I said it.

His posture changed, he stood up left the food there and walked stiffly towards his room

"I'm sorry Malfoy, I didn't mean it that way."

"Of course you didn't, because you are the saint who didn't murder several death eaters during the war. But you know what else you are ...right! You're right I am the death eater who no one trusts or will ever love"

Does he really think no one will ever love him?

"No no that's not what I meant and you know it. I just wanted to know what happened."

"No, you wanted to know about my misery. I get it, I bullied you and I don't blame you"

"No Malfoy... "

He slammed the door shut and I rushed after him into his room, uninvited.

And found him sitting on his bed looking in the front ignoring me. So I put my hand forward and turned his face towards me as gently as I could. He wouldn't budge so I applied more pressure and managed to turn his face.

"I really didn't mean that. Don't think you're unlovable"

He averted his eyes so I did the only thing I could.

I whispered his name, "I'm sorry Draco"

At that he looked at me and in a matter of seconds I was warm and my insides were turning to goo.

His warm and as soft as I remember lips were crushing mine with such force that I know it will bruise. But I couldn't tell him no. Merlin! I couldn't speak at all. All I could do was feel, feel his hands around my waist, his chest crushing my boobs just like his lips were crushing mine.

Merlin fucking shit! Draco was kissing me...... and I was kissing him back?

Hastily I pushed him slightly back to assess the situation and also breathe.

He had me sitting on his lap, his hands now gently cradling me.

"Please no, Ma... Draco" "I need it" he looked ashamed as if telling me that was terrifying and like he... "Please" he croaked "Only if you promise to tell me what's bothering you"

As his answer he crushed his lips into mine again, his teeth slightly biting my lower lip which made me moan, using this to his advantage he plunges his tongue into my mouth, yes he plunged it. It was the most hypnotic yet gentle kiss I could imagine.

The kiss finding its own way as if the pain in both our hearts somehow managed to make us one yet broken. Like we were lost parts of two puzzles, mismatched yet perfectly fitting.

In simple words, I was mesmerized.

Until he broke it, our connection.

"I need to go"


Hey guys, so that was a lot of stuff happening,  I know I said you will know more about Draco's condition but this was more important so that is coming up in the next chapter which you will get in just a while.
Watch the video above,  somewhat matches the chapter idea. I have also added videos on chapters 11 and 13, you can check them out too.
Hope you enjoyed it, remember to






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