Chapter 18

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Fuck! I shouldn't say fuck

But I was saying it to Hermione fucking Granger whom I've apparently been calling dirty in my mind for all the wrong reason.

Wait calling her Dirty because of her blood is worse or because I care about...

Care about definitely

Hermione's p.o.v.

Oh my god he has been going through so much too

Like what kind of a father is so mean

I hug him tight his head resting on my shoulder and me shuffling his hair

"It's okay. You aren't unloved, we could help each other out, you know. Talk about stuff, me about Ron you about your family and stuff."

"You mean do the best friend act, no Granger I don't think so"

"Ofcourse not best friends or even friends. What I meant was I cant talk to anyone about Ron and I'm sure you would like a friend"

"No" He said looking me straight in the eye.

"I thought you......"

"You thought wrong, I do have friends" his voice is strained and he pushes me away.

"Don't be clingy, Granger"

"But you...right now we just...."

"I was horny, we kissed. Nothing special"

" But you just told me.....everything" pushing me towards the door

"You took advantage of me when I was horny, but I keep my word. The only person needy here is you."

With that he shut the door on my face

I cant believe it, even after I told him about Ron. He has the audacity to say something like that

"you know what duck you, fuck your stupid fucking ego, now I know why your mother sent you away"


I wanted to hurt him like he hurt me.

He turns me into someone so different.

Its exhilarating yet scary.

I have never used as many swear words my whole life as much I used since he has come here,

Why the fuck am I still thinking about him?

Stop the cursing for fucks sake.


I mean oh god, my brain is going to explode.

That idiot , I wish I could tie him up and make him drink Veritaserum. Then make him spill all his secrets.

That's kinky

nOpE. Not going there.

Shut up brain.

I call up Caroline because the only other option was thinking about him.

"Hey girl, How's the blond one treating you?"

"Don't want to talk about him. Just let it be Care"

"Oh well then tell me why haven't you spoken to me considering I thought it was because he was keeping you busy."

I could imagine her suggestive wink.

"Don't wink at me"

"Oh girl, you know me too well. Now spill"

"Ron and I broke up"


Hey guysss, why do you think Draco is being a jerk to Hermione?

Also only one update for today :(

Hope everyone is keeping safe






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