Chapter 8

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First kiss? bliss or piss?

It's been 3 days since I got to know the truth. Ron...he just....i cant believe he could do something like that.

I mean sure i wasn't ready to sleep with him though he told me to a couple hundred times but he'd do something like this is just unbelievable.

While I was walking back from work today I saw a couple getting a can of soda from the vending machine and all I could think about was the first time I showed that to Ron. He was so intrigued when I went to explain its working...but its Ron he got bored within minutes

As of now I have been lying on my bed crying but I'll have to straighten up soon. Draco will be reaching home any minute and I cant let him see me cry. He doesn't know what happened and I don't want him to either. I've successfully managed to ignore him for the past days by 3 simple rules - cook his food and leave it near the sink, never stay out around the time he comes in and leave before he wakes up. I haven't even told Caroline about what Ron did and ignored his several pleas to explain

i mean how could you possibly explain cheating on the girl you apparently love.

Ginny and Harry have also been trying to talk to me but i just dont want to. Honestly its not fair to make them choose between me and Ron considering I for sure cant be anywhere in his vicinity.

Thud. Thud. Heels clanking. A girls laughter?

"oh no no, this one is mine"


Ohmygod Draco has that girl over and hes going to..... no way is that happening.

The sounds are so disgusting. This. Cant Be. Happening.

With that thought in mind i leave my room for the first time to do exactly that. Stop them.

However was I supposed to know it would be a big mistake, bigger than letting Draco do god knows what in my house. Because exactly when i neared Draco's half naked self on my sofa with the girl probably under him, i heard his ragged voice


oh god. This cant be happening. I don't if I was more scared about him seeing the half naked wizard in my house or actually coming face to face with the cheater.

Scratch that, i wasn't scared. He's just a guy[ A part of me replied with a [he's also you best friend ] who cheated on me and now I'm supposed to move and do exactly as I've always told Ginny and Luna Caroline to do.. move. on.

It came again like he was silently whispering for me to understand, understand his sorry excuse of an apology and explanation, as if he knew that i had read all those messages he left me. I almost gave in but then i heard the girl in the room moan and remembered

Babe where are you going? come back

That has me crashing back to reality "Get out Ron"

"We can get past this and you know it!"

"Is that so?"

Letting the anger control I moved forward,not even realising what I was doing until his lips, his warm soft plush lips were on mine


I know its been a long time. Sorry for posting so late but hope you enjoyed it.. those who are still with me. Dont forget to add to your library so you know every time i post






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