Chapter 9

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Dont Use The "R" Word

The moment I saw Ron apparate out of my house i pushed him away from me. No that was not a kiss worth describing. If anything it was disgusting. I ran to my room while hearing the other girl screech in anger

"Why did you call me if you already had a woman in your room"

I heard the gate slammed probably hopefully in his face.

The moment the events of the night floated back to me it was done for and regret was a term which would insult how i was feeling right at that moment.

It had been done. I had finally lost my mind

After all I kissed a death eater, that too Draco Malfoy.

The rest of the night i spent sagged against my door probably slept at some point in the night and now neck is killing me.

No way am i going to wok. I call up for a leave and then go into my warm haven of abed and fall into a dreamless sleep.

Until some really stupid person starts banging at my room door.

Oh. No. Its him. Draco.

I sit up straight and stare thinking about last night, what am i going to tell him.

After the banging and screaming started giving me a head ache i flopped out of the door determined to act like it was all a dream.

On opening the door i find a good looking by which I mean a very well dressed Draco, obviously.

"What is it?" I snap without looking at him, even though i know it is my mistake and not his. This is the only way i know to act sane after last night.

"Oh darling, if a kiss was all you..."


Draco's p.o.v

One look at her face stopped me on my tracks. Last night she kissed me wrenching me out of my date's grasp like her world depended on it. and exactly as fast as that happened she was pushing me out of the way and running to her room.

I'm not stupid and i know something is very very wrong with her, i just cant figure out what it is.

I think she understood my thoughts because of my expression because very soon she replied snarkily

"Hold your horses Malfoy, I dont want or need your pity"

Not exactly startled but more like confused by her reaction i let her walk away and stayed silent for the next couple minutes as she cooked

"I dont pity you, but I sure do owe you. So if you want to talk I'm here for you"

With the last word uttered by me I whirl around into my room.


thats it for now




comment if you think ron and mione should be able to get over this and move on or not. Remember your opinions matter.







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