Chapter 28

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"Hey Mione!"

I'de called Caroline just as I was driving back home

Yes I took my car to a muggle fair.

I just had to tell someone about how I wanted to hurt draco so much that he feels what I felt...

Our conversation went by as I explained everything to her

And her commenting

"What an ass!"

"....kick his ass"

"...fucking murder him"

"You don't deserve someone so crappy"

What does that mean

"I'm not with him or anything, he is just a manipulative bastard"

"And hell is just a sauna"

I couldn't help it, I cracked up so hard.

It was all fun until stupid caroline had to open her mouth

"You're in denial you know"

"No I am not. I never liked him and never will. He is the reason so many people are dead, he is the reason his own father hates him. Everyone hates him because he is who he is"

Guess what? That didn't help me hate him, it made me understand him more. Atleast try to.

"Yes he is who he is without guilt or denial and that is exactly what you like that about him, don't you?" I don't like him "I don't like him. I've told you, what do I have to do to pro " I know I was shouting.

"The only one you have to prove to is you" she screamed louder.

We were staring at each other, I don't ever remember fighting with her like that.

It's all that Malfoy's mistake

"Caro.." I started.

"Babe I know you don't want to like him and by the way you described your interactions he seems to be in denial too. But you have to face it. Why don't we see if he gets jealous?"

"He won't and I don't care"

"It will be like a prank, come on"

I've never lied to myself and truth be told I was scared of the fact that what I said quite probably is the truth.

But a part of me wanted to know too.

So when she made her puppy dog eyes and said

"Mione, it will also be like revenge for hurting you,, he hurt you so now he lost you"

I faked thinking about it. Honestly I was ready to do it from the moment I realized I would want to.

"Where is he by the way?"

"I don't know, I left him there itself"

"That a bit dramatic don't you think?" 

"Lets find you a date now, shall we?"



Guys in the next couple of chapters i was planning to have more dramione scenes, a general question about sex scenes and whether i should do it

a) Dont do it

b)put a trigger warning

c)dont mind it

d)want it.

just wanted to review your likes and depending on that ill make the next chapters.

dont forget to like


comment either a,b,c,d or your views. thanks


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