Chapter 24

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Is he really evil?

I waited and waited, with every second that passed my confidence was losing. I had no idea about anything.

When Draco finally came back I was pacing at the door.

"Just tell me the truth"

"I have already told you, if you don't want to believe me then that's not my problem"

For weeks I have been ignoring everyone, both my muggle and wizard friends.

Ginny and harry have tried calling a couple of times I ignored them, Draco and I have a mutual understanding, we both do our own chores without any contact.

But today is different, today there is a fair where all witches and wizards will be present. That includes Ron, who will probably go with lavender and as petty as it sounds I don't want to go alone.

I do actually have a lot of muggle friends I could take but that will just make it worse.

I want to show Ron what he has lost and I have the perfect person to help me but I'm too chicken.

But for my own ego I suck it up and go to ask him.


I think I startled him.

"huh uh what?"

"I need a date to the wizard fest, would you uh go with me... as friends"

"you are asking me, a death eater to go out with you in front of the entire wizarding world...why?"

"Umm honestly coz you are the closest thing to a support I have against uh Ron right now..." I trail off not wanting to admit the obvious.

"...And?" I should have known the devil would obviously make me admit me sins..


Is he really evil though?

"Fine I may or may not want to make him jealous" I snap in irritation

"Ahh now I see"

What does that even mean

"I'll think about it"

"but the fair is today" I check the time "in precisely 3 hours 20 uh 1 minutes"

Facepalm .

Why would I calculate the "I'll go on one condition" this has got to be bad


He smirks, ofcourse he does. That bloody idiot

"you have to kiss me"

he looks confused like the words he just said weren't a calculated move against me. Hate. Him

Revenge or preservation.

I know this is the dumbest thing I could say but

"Only if you act like you have a crush on me and I get to rejact you"

Shit he will never agree to this. Such a dumb move Hermione. "Yeah sure"

Wait what


Draco's p.o.v


I managed to ignore her for so long and now she is standing on my doorway looking all 'just got out of bed' sexy

"Huh uh what?"

What am I saying!

"I need a date to the wizard fest, would you uh go with me... as friends"

Has she forgotten everything!!

"You are asking me, a death eater to go out with you in front of the entire wizarding world...why?"

"Umm honestly coz you are the closest thing to a support I have against uh Ron right now..."

Oh, but that couldn't be it, right?


"Fine I may or may not want to make him jealous"

Ofcourse "Ahh now I see"

"I'll think about it" "

No fucking way.

"But the fair is today in uh precisely 3 hours 20 uh 1 minutes"

"I'll go on one condition"

What am I doing.


"you have to kiss me"

I am literally self destructive, how will I handle the kiss. I have barely managed to ignore her after everything.

"Only if you act like you have a crush on me and I get to rejact you"

Say no brain. Please listen to me for just this once

"Yeah sure"


I know I know, way too late. I was having some issues. Anyway this is the next chapter. I know the last part of the conversation was repeated but it had been a long time since a draco p.o.v. scene happened






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