Chapter 15

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I swear I Never Thought of his Abs as Yummy.

I wake up to a scorching headache. But still quite comfortable and warm.

Oh so relaxed...

Wait, someone has his arms wrapped around me, spooning me in a ball.


Did I let Ron stay with me last night?

The blond hair on my bed was enough indication.

No, I let Draco...

I don't know which is worse.

I scrambled out of my bed in such a flurry that it woke Malfoy up.

Even half asleep he is vexatious.

"Mione, leaving so early. Come on, cuddle with me some more"

Before I could think of a good retort I saw it.... his white as pearl, sharp as paper abs...

I know I've seen it before, but I was too embarrassed to admit it was good but now.....

Nothing has changed obviously and it's not like I can't handle looking at his ridiculous abs.

...ridiculously sexy abs

"you're salivating"

Too flustered I choke out a

"No, I'm not"

To that, he just laughs.

"No worries Granger, no one will ever know. It will be our little secret" And then he winks. Honestly, I'm too humiliated to care.

"Whatever Malfoy, as far as I'm concerned last night didn't happen"

With that, I go to my bathroom to have a long hot shower.

That of course doesn't happen.

Bang. Bang. Thud. Thud.

"What is it"

"I need to shower too"

"Bugger off"

"Or I might just get in"

I could literally imagine the smirk on his face while saying that. The crooked grin with a crease on his left cheek. The sagging of his eyes from the sides, just a slight bent hardly noticeable. The glint in his eyes.

Uh oh. I'm thinking about him again. That spoilt loathsome...

Is he still spoiled though?

"Other people need to use the bathroom too"

Oh for fuck's sake

I manage to dry and clothe myself before moving out of the bathroom to see a perfectly clean Draco and the amazing smell of pancakes.

"There you are"

All I want to do is bang my head on the wall.


My house has more than just one bathroom. I was too busy thinking about that cockroach.

Yep. Definitely, a cockroach, if not spoiled.

A smile involuntarily spreads my face.

We go to the kitchen where he puts forward a plate with two pancakes. One slightly burnt and the other not fully cooked.

"Try it" he says.... awkwardly?

I want to laugh

Nah, he probably wasn't awkward, I mean he is Draco Malfoy we are talking about who called me 'mudblood' without much conviction

I don't know if I should be grateful for the pancake or horrified looking at the mess in my kitchen so I go for a simple


"Sorry about the mess. These muggle stuff are annoying" he says sheepishly rubbing his hands through his hairs.

Draco as sheepish, whoever would have thought.

Ron has never cooked for me.

"No issues"

It was time, I had to. After everything, he's done for me.

"Uh, I mean thank you"

He grins "Don't worry about it. I owed you anyway"

Not that again...I can't take it anymore!!


"I didn't let you stay here so you could babysit me. No need to feel obligated to do that because I let you stay here. I'm going to extract every penny from you once you are able enough to pay me back"

"I was talking about that night in Hogwarts, Dirty. I was going through shit and being with you really helped. You know acting normal with me. Not hating, worshipping or acting crazily around me."

Now I felt even worse, I snapped at him when he was trying to help me.

But god forbid if I admit my mistake to him. And I don't have any reason to feel guilty.

"oh...." I trail off.


hey guyss, hope you liked the chapter. Enjoyed it.

Next chapter will probably give you some insight about his life.






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