Chapter 21

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My Dream Kiss

Too dazed to comprehend what he was saying I just shrug and say "Go away daddy" Like he can just turn up and go all caveman on

Oh granger don't touch another man, as if he cares.

The thought seems funny and I double up laughing like a crazy kid.

"Don't ever"

laughter escapes

"touch another"

another one

"man again, huh Malfooy"

now I am full blown giggling

that is until he picks me up and puts me on his shoulder half hanging. I think he gives my hips a squeeze but I am not too sure about anything

Am I dreaming


Did I say that out loud



By the time we reach his car[my car], I am completely sober and extremely conscious about his hand on my bare bottoms.

"If you aren't going to let me go the least you could do is remove your hand from my....hips"

"Well, isn't this why you dressed up like that. To make me jealous"

"I didn't do shit for you"

"Yeah right"

The guy I was dancing with followed us till there and was now telling Draco to let me go

I think he thinks I am being kidnapped


"there has been a misunderstanding....."


"Why did you just do that!?" I shrieked.

Running towards him, but Draco's hand pulls me back.

"That's what happens to people who touch what's mine."

I can't help it I know its creepy that I am staring at him but what does that statement even mean!?

What's mine??

I am still dazed as we enter apartment.

Just as he closes the door, he pushes me against it. Hands on my waist.

He kisses my throat, puts his head on my shoulder and breathes into my ear.

All this while I try to breathe. A failed attempt might I add.

"This is what you wanted, right."

I feel so weak under his touch, there is all those things that I read in the books. All that I never felt with Ron.

But my ego is stronger than my heart and I manage to croak out a weak no.

"No? okay then " he positions himself such that every part of him is touching everypart of me.

His fingers drawing a lazy pattern on my skin where my tshirt rode up.

"No worries darling this is the only time I am ever going to touch you without you begging me to "

With that his soft wet lips hit hard on mine. So gentle yet harsh, taking everything of mine but giving me oh so much; he pushes me harder against the wall and I pull him closer to me.

The kiss is so hard that I know it will bruise my lips but that's okay, it will remind me of him.

This is the kind of kiss every girl should wish for.

Just as soon as he gave to me, he took it back. Staring at me, asking me to ask him but I can't, I wont.

Just as soon as he removed his weight from my body, my resolve broke



And it was back.


Hey guys another update, is it weird to fangirl on my own story coz I am in love with dramione.

I am not exactly great at writing kiss scenes but I hope you liked it.





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