Chapter 25

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Some habits never die, or do they?

Hermione p.o.v.

Uh okay whatever.

"Fine then lets meet in an hour" I say

"That's two hours early!!"

"We will need an hour for the drive"

"still an hour...."

"what problem do you have in being on time"

-                                                         -

Now one hour later I am dressed in a white crop top, blue jeans and a black jacket. I'm on video call with Caroline when Malfoy enters my room

"The hell!?" I ask

"What? Why aren't you ready yet?"

"There is this thing called knocking..What if I was naked??"

"Better for me"


I throw the first thing I get, a cream bottle, at his face but he uses his wand to deflect it.

"Throwing things at someone, such a muggle thing"


He deflects it again

"Darling do you really want to ruin that pretty dress of yours"

True. But I'm Hermione Granger, I don't lose so I change my tactic

"So I'm pretty" I smirk.

"No but the dress sure is."

Dammit I should have known.

"Fuck you"


Oh Merlin no.

"Does talking about sex embarrass you Dirty, youre turning red."


"She just.. I can't handle it. I mean after 3 years also she isn't ready. How much more can a man wait?!"

I had been standing at the door eavesdropping into their conversation and it breaks my heart .



But honestly I don't even care, I'm so mad at him. How. Dare. He.

"Ron, is there something you would like to share with me"

"You heard, didn't you?"

"Sadly for you I did. Can you stop talking about our relation with a third person"

"Mione try to understand, I have needs"

I cant help it, at the mention of having sex my cheeks always change colour.

"You're still blushing"

"I know Ron, but I'm not ready"

"and you never will be"


"Dirty, Dirty did I say too much?"

"What ..oh, uh no its fine"

"Is this about the weaselbee?"

"uh no no"

Too fast

"I'll kick his butt for you Dirty"

"No, no need"

He just needs a reason to hate on our group. Some habits never die I guess

"Then I'll be the best boyfriend"


Hey ,that's the new chapter. Hope you enjoyed it.





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