Chapter 23

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Was it all really a "dream" kiss?

"Eh no, I don't think so"

He gives the smirk which makes my blood boil, only this time my heart is thumping too.

"Fine Dirty, wait for me in my room atleast? While I go cool myself down"

He looks down at the very prominent bulge...and its huge. I know because Ron and I may not have done the final deed but we played around a lot and his was not

"Stop molesting me with your eyes Dirty"

I know it, my face is red.

"Just go will you"

I throw the cushion beside me right on his face.

Alas it hit him on the chest.

I compose myself then go to his bedroom and lounge on his bed until its black all around me.

My room doesn't have a white ceil....Draco!


Every single time I see him shirtless I end up staring also caught

"You have been a great inconvenience last night. Could you atleast let me have a peaceful morning"

What is he talking about?

"Are you having a memory loss or something....because I clearly remember....."

"Here's what happened last night, you were drunk, a guy was taking advantage of you. I helped by punching him and then you slept on my bed"

No, I remember the kiss, it was hot and...

"You think I kissed you? Hahaha. You truly are delusional"

He laughs like a maniac until I shoot him down

"Need I remind you that you are sleeping on my bed, using my cupboard and eating my food. So technically I slept on my bed itself"

With that I storm of and go to the bathroom to check what happened last night

1..2..3..4.. and.. 5 hickies all the way down to my cleavage

What the effing hell?!

"Malfoy what in the name of merlin happened last night!?" I scream

But he is gone.

I call in sick at work, too worked up in figuring out what happened last night.

Whether my memory of how I got these are real or just that, dreams. If so, why would I be dreaming about Malfoy kissing me?

I call up Caroline in hopes that she might know something, but that was a dead end too

"C? how did you get home?"

"Not with you in my car. I went home with this gentleman"

"Do you know how I reached home?"

"Well when I called it was the roomie that picked up, told me you were fine then cut the line"

So I spend the rest of the day waiting to confront Malfoy. And during this period my confidence keeps reducing.

I sit on the sofa in the hall since an hour before he usually enters. The same sofa where yesterday night.....


It just doesn't make sense how I could have such vivid memories so

I search up on the net if it is possible to have false memories when drunk, and it said

I search up on the net if it is possible to have false memories when drunk, and it said

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Hey guys, first update, is it infact a dream?

You know what to do




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