Chapter 6

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If you wanted to impress me a nice meal would also work

Draco's p.o.v

weaselbee stays here. I dont know why it troubles me so much but I guess

"He is my boyfriend and has much more right to live in this house than you'll ever have."

She spat those words at me and stormed into her room.

I went to her room knocked twice but I guess she didn't notice so I barged in. The room was empty. And the sound of water dropping like a storm was about to begin made me realise that she is taking a shower. So I decided to wait for her.

Hermione's p.o.v

Irritated by him I decided to go take a shower. With the hot water falling on my head, I felt my self relax. It always helped my nerves. ....

Moving out I pulled my bath robe around me walked into my room.

Uhm...uhh what is he doing here.

There he was Mr malfoy sitting on my bed looking around.

That's when i realised he hasn't noticed me so I started to back away into the bathroom bit precisely at that moment he turned his head.

Kill me please. I felt my face going hot.

Can i die!

Draco's p.o.v

I heard a sound so I assumed she was out and turned my head. And indeed she was out and in her bathrobe

She was wearing this yellow bathrobe which she probably bought a while ago because it was quite short on her
It reached to her mid thigh and the neckline was deep.

"Close your mouth. " she snapped me out of my
....she caught me checking her out. Oh no

Her face was absolutely red and suddenly I had the most amazing idea.

"If you wanted to impress me a nice meal would also work"

Her face turns a darker shade of red. Out of anger not embarrassment this time.

Oh I've missed this. But damn she looks way hotter than she did then.

Shut up malfoy.

"You foul loathsome evil little cockroach get. Out. Of. My. Room"

I smirk. Remembering the slap and ofcourse the. Best.idea.ever

   "If you wanted to touch my face dont be so feisty like last time. Just tell me, Mione"  with a wink I left her room without another word.

Hermione's p.o.v

What the hell does he think himself to be. It was so embarrassing especially since this bathrobe is like ages old so it's way too small on me

I decide to act as if nothing happened. I changed into shorts and t shirt and walk out with my head held high.

(Its okay no problems whatsoever)


Heyyy guyss I updated again. Ik this is pretty short but my exams are going on so be thankful and it is much earlier than last time. :))






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