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Copyright @2019 by RainTrain29

All rights reserved.

The story is originally written and scripted by the author, no part of this book will be shared or copy without the authors permission.

The book is a work of fiction, characters, names, and happenings are the fruit of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously, any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, events or location in purely coincidental.



Year 3061 an incurable epidemic had spread all across the world and was able to wash out eighty percent of life existence in the planet, saved by the power of knowledge the Kerrod family was not just a technologically smart, they also have their way into the medical field and were able to make the antidote for the disease manifesting the whole population, unfortunately none of the government council members was willing to take the risk saying they won't trust any foreign chemicals to run in their bloods not unless it's tested and forbid them not to distribute it to the public, but the disease only took less than 24 hours to kill, sensing the urgency of the situation, there's no more time to wait.

Still even if they fear the results they took the formulation and injected it in their veins. Known as the genuis they are, their family was able to make it through the tragic era together without losing a single member, the government found out about it and with them losing almost all of their loved ones, they called it unfair. They then raised an accusation of the Kerrod's treason, people weren't that hard to convince since the family is known as undeniably smart making it easier and more accurate for them to be blamed.

Until the year 3073 arrived, when the world is already stable,where the walled city was built, and was also the year of injustice for the whole Kerrod Family. All of them including the young children had been executed for the accusation of Treason, it was a pure act of injustice, the case didn't undergone any trial. Since the day of their deaths, bottomless make up stories begins to spread about the family calling them the Family Treasons who only served the government with their unbelievable intelligence during their whole existence.

The Kerrod Family was one of the trustees of the councils for the past 100 decades generations to generations, making the very advance gadgets, expanding and exploring technology as much as they can. Giving the government the strongest, the most dangerous armours and weapons to battle against the force of rebels forming in the small wrecked former village of Avalon trying to claim the world. Fortunately the battles began to cease during their service in the government, the rebels were outnumbered and scared. They didn't dare to come and attack the large walled city again.

Those who love and trust the Kerrod's bloodline believes that the government decided to dispose them since there's no more battles to create weapons anymore, and also they were afraid that these people will jeopardize and reveal their dirty business as they take the throne in leading the whole world.

But little do they know there's still a Kerrod blood living in the little world they made, they thought they completely get rid of...
Axelia and Alexia, the Kerrod's twins were the last heir of their bloodline having the same intelligence but with a dangerous goal against the government, sharing a single false identity of Xiandra Brooks.

Will they reach their goal? or will they lose the battle they were both born for?

Hello there again people!
So here's my second book actually it is a Dylogy so please bare with me in terms of updates...

Book 1: SUBTERFUGE - WIP (Working In Progress)
Book 2: COLLISION - TBD (To Be Determine)

And also please do check and support my first completed book:

You can see it when you visit my profile!
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Love lots!

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